If you do not know the Material SAP Number, follow these instructions:
- Log in to SAP.
- MB21 Create(This is the Create a Reservation transaction)
- Select Enter.
- Base Date: Today's date (the day you are entering the reservation) will default.
- Enter Movement Type (Typically this will be 201 for a cost center purchase). There are other movement types available; you can find these by clicking on the small window button next to the movement type block.
- Enter Plant (this will always be 40 for Ä¢¹½tv).
- Note: The Movement Type and Plant number can be defaulted for your convenience.
- Select Enter.
- Goods Recipient Enter who is placing the order (or what shop)
- Cost Center Enter the cost center of the department (should be provided to you)
- Tab to Material Number (or you can place the cursor in this block).
To Search for a Material
- Click on the drop-down box and choose the tab Plant Material by Description.
- Type in a word from the description you are looking for with an asterisk(*) before, after, or before and after.
- Click Enter. All items within your specified search criteria will appear.
- Double click on the item you want to order. It will default into the reservation form.
- Tab to Quantity.
- Enter the quantity you want to order
- Press Enter (a new screen will appear).
- You will see an error message (in red) at the bottom of your screen telling you Unloading Pt must be entered.
Place your cursor in the Unload Pt block, enter the address to which the material will be delivered or CT (for Storeroom Counter).
Press Enter.
You will be directed back to the page to order materials.
Tab to the next Material number, continue these steps until all materials you wish to order have been entered.
Once the steps above are done, click the Save/Post button at the top of the screen
Your document number will be visible at the bottom of the screen.