As more Purchasing Card purchases are being made across the university, it is more important than ever to make sure the correct procedures are followed to ensure delivery of your items on time and correctly.

  • Whenever possible, delivery should be directly to your office address. Buildings that require delivery through Shipping and Receiving are listed below.

Direct packages which include but are not limited to Pcard purchases, free items, etc. being delivered to the following buildings will be processed through Shipping and Receiving. Please follow the procedure below:

McElhaney Hall

Humanities Building

Wilson Hall

Sutton Hall (except for 201 Sutton Hall, President's office)

Note: Other shipments that may need to be processed through Shipping and Receiving include shipments that are oversized and must be unloaded by equipment and/or on a loading dock.

  • Shipping address to be given to the vendor:

    Shipping and Receiving - PCARD
    Attn: YOUR NAME
    650 South 13th Street
    Indiana PA 15705

    Note: Using this address format will enable Shipping and Receiving to properly route your delivery.

Notify Shipping and Receiving at of the arriving order. Please include the following in the e-mail:

  • Name of the campus recipient (this is the same as the name you have asked the vendor to reference above)

  • Telephone number and e-mail of the campus recipient

  • Unloading point on campus (building and room number)

    • Please include any special instructions.

    • If the arriving order requires delivery by truck, S&R will enter a workorder to have this delivery made.

  • Vendor name (who will the shipment be coming from)

  • If you know the approximate date that the shipment will arrive, please include

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your incoming shipment, please call Ä¢¹½tv Shipping and Receiving at 724-357-3015, or e-mail