President, Vice Presidents, Deans, and Chairs

Michael A. Driscoll
President’s Cabinet
Lara M. Luetkehans, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs
Debra L. Fitzsimons, vice president for Administration and Finance
Thomas C. Segar, vice president for Student Affairs
Jennifer DeAngelo, vice president for University Advancement
Paula L. Stossel, strategic advisor to the president for Student Success
Ruffina E. Winters, senior executive assistant to the president
Curtis A. Scheib, dean, College of Arts, Humanities, Media, and Public Affairs
Prashanth N. Bharadwaj, interim dean, Eberly College of Business
Edel M. Reilly, interim dean, College of Education and Human Services
Hilliary E. Creely, vice provost, Research and Innovation; interim dean, College of Health Sciences
Steven A. Hovan, dean, Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Amber N. Racchini, vice provost, Academic Success; dean, University College
Miko Rose, founding dean, proposed college of osteopathic medicine
Department Chairs
Suneel Maheshwari, chair, Accounting and Information Systems
Lori E. Lombard, chair, Allied and Public Health
Nicholas D. Deardorff, Anthropology, Geospatial, and Earth Sciences
Karen M. Scarton, chair, Art and Design
Todd M. Garzarelli, chair/director, Athletics
Narayanaswamy Bharathan, chair, Biology
David A. Wachob, chair, Career and Wellness Education
Nathan R. McElroy, chair, Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics
Vicky Ortiz, chair, Communications Media
Jessica E. Miller, chair/director, Counseling Center
Kimberly J. Desmond, chair, Counseling and Human Development
John A. Lewis, chair, Criminology and Criminal Justice
Stephanie M. Jozefowicz, chair, Finance and Economics
R. Scott Moore, chair, History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religious Studies
Jeffrey M. Santicola, chair, Hospitality and Employment Relations
Gian S. Pagnucci, chair, Language, Literature, and Writing
Harrison Wick, chair, Ä¢¹½tv Libraries
Ramesh G. Soni, chair, Management
Lisa M. Sciulli, chair, Marketing
Timothy B. Flowers, chair, Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Erich R. Steffens, chair, Military Science
Matthew R. Baumer, chair, Music, Theatre, and Dance
Theresa M. Gropelli, chair, Nursing
Kelli Jo Kerry-Moran, chair, Professional Studies in Education
Anson E. Long, chair, Psychology
Tracey L. Cekada, chair, Safety Sciences and Environmental Engineering
Dana Hysock Witham, chair, School Psychology, Special Education, and Sociology
Luke E. Faust, chair, Student Affairs, Student Success, and Disability Access
The lists of deans and department chairs are based on Ä¢¹½tv’s current academic structure, which went into effect July 1, 2024. Today’s conferral of degrees and the graduate lists that begin on page 10 reflect the previous academic structure.
Governing and Advisory Boards
Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education
Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education was established July 1, 1983, but its member institutions, which include Ä¢¹½tv, have a much longer history. Combined, the schools have more than 85,000 degree-seeking students and nearly 800,000 living alumni, most of whom still live in Pennsylvania. Recently, the State System redesigned itself to ensure the long-term sustainability of all universities so that each may continue to serve students, its region, and the commonwealth for decades to come.
State System of Higher Education Board of Governors
Cynthia D. Shapira, chair
David M. Maser, vice chair
Samuel H. Smith, vice chair
David Argall
Robert W. Bogle
Timothy P. Briggs
Quintin B. Bullock
Richard Caruso ’83
Brandon Danz
William Gindlesperger
Abigail Hancox ’24, student, Ä¢¹½tv
Akbar Hossain
Marian D. Moskowitz
Khalid N. Mumin, acting secretary of education
Mark-handy Phanor, student, Kutztown University
Brad Roae
Judith L. Schwank
Josh Shapiro, governor
Ali Sina Sharifi, student, Shippensburg University
Kate Shaw
Robert Traynham
Neil R. Weaver
Interim Chancellor
Christopher M. Fiorentino
Ä¢¹½tv Council of Trustees
Samuel H. Smith, chair, Punxsutawney
Laurie A. Kuzneski ’93, vice chair, Indiana
Joyce R. Fairman ’76, M’84, secretary, DuBois
Anne White, treasurer, Indiana
Jennifer E. Baker ’05, Worthington
Timothy Cejka ’73, Latrobe
Susan S. Delaney ’64, Indiana
Shagufta Haque, student trustee, Indiana
Mark A. Holman ’79, Washington, DC
David Osikowicz, Punxsutawney
Nathan T. Spade ’01, York
Ä¢¹½tv Alumni Association Board of Directors
Leslie Miller Purser ’80, president, Dandridge, TN
Debra Evans Smith ’81, vice president, Woodbridge, VA
Chrystina Black Steffy ’03, treasurer, Moon Township
Marc C. Hutzell ’97, secretary, Olney, MD
Kevin W. Bailey ’86, M’90, Charlotte, NC
Aaron D. Felter ’01, M’11, State College
Morgan C. Huey ’16, State College
Chad C. Jurica ’07, M’09, Export
George Kelly ’82, Aurora, OH
Stephen J. Mihalacki ’01, Cranberry Township
Mary O. Morgan ’91, Indiana
Sara Barnett Lawer ’06, M’08, Indiana
Heather B. Reed M’13, Indiana
Scott M. Rhoades M’06, Enon, OH
Emily Davis Smeltz ’01, M’02, Indiana
Valerie Sutton ’88, M’96, Cambridge, MA