Check out these awesome STATIC events for the week of September 27 through October 3!

Stargazing with STATIC (Virtual)

stargazing with static“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

Unleash your inner Carl Sagan with STATIC on Tuesday, September 29.

Explore our Solar System, our Milky Way Galaxy, and our visible and largely invisible universe with STATIC on Tuesday, September 29, via Zoom from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. No preregistration is required!

To join the event, use (Meeting ID is 962 0689 7829 and password is sagan).

Rules are as follows:

  • Participants must use video.
  • Participants must edit Zoom name to be their name and include the four- to five-letter Ģtv email.
  • Participants may not use vulgar or disparaging language or images.
  • STATIC staff will serve as moderators. Anyone not abiding by rules will not be permitted to join the event or participate in the event; they will also be removed from the event and referred to the Ģtv Office of Student Support and Community Standards for conduct proceedings.

Ģtv Family Feud (Virtual)

Ģtv Virtual Family FeudSurvey says... It's time for the Family Feud!

Join STATIC as we host our Ģtv virtual version of the hit game show Family Feud on Thursday, October 1, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. You and your Ģtv friend or actual family could get a chance to compete against other families for cash prizes!

Want your Ģtv family to compete? with your name (captain's name), your Ģtv email, your Banner ID, your cell phone, your “family” name, and the names of your family members.

Please note that only active, I-Card-holding students can win any prizes at Ģtv Family Feud, and they must be 18 years of age or older.

Extra credit: Want to help STATIC build new responses?

To join the event, use (Meeting ID is 965 5228 8493 and password is harvey).

Rules are as follows:

  • Participants must use video.
  • Participants must edit Zoom name to be their Family name and include the four- to five-letter Ģtv email.
  • Participants may not use vulgar or disparaging language or images.
  • In order to win a prize, participant must be an I-Card-holding student and be 18 years of age or older.
  • STATIC staff will serve as moderators. Anyone not abiding by rules will not be permitted to join the event or participate in the event; they will also be removed from the event and referred to the Ģtv Office of Student Support and Community Standards for conduct proceedings.

Because we're hosting this event virtually, we'll need to rely on each family to listen to the rules carefully - this is very much based on the honor system! So…

  • For this virtual iteration of our popular campus game show, we'll compete in four different games, which means eight different families will get to play tonight. Each game will feature four rounds, including three regular rounds and the ever-popular Fast Money round. The winning family will receive tickets to one event of their choice before May 2024. If they also win the Fast Money round by exceeding 200 points, they'll win cold, hard cash!

For more information, check out the STATIC , , or .