Zach ClarkZach Clark, director of Student Activities and Assessment for the Student Cooperative Association, has been honored as his service to the National Association for Campus Activities concludes after six years of dedicated service and leadership.

is a leader in higher education and provides educational opportunities and resources to support student activities and campus life at American colleges and universities.

Since 2015, Clark has served with distinction as a member on and then chair of the NACA Research and Scholarship Group. RSG, as the research, scholarship, assessment, and evaluation committee of NACA, was convened to advance the research agenda of the association and to support scholarly endeavors in student activities and campus life. Clark served as the chair of this group since 2019.

During his involvement and leadership, RSG realized many accomplishments, including onboarding a new director of education and research for the association, creating new associate member and vice chair positions, reforming the research grant application and evaluation processes, offering various professional development webinars and educational sessions, revising the RSG mission statement and charge documents, launching the Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship, revising the NACA NEXT student learning research tool, and partnering with the Ä¢¹½tvUI Assessment Institute.

Additionally, Clark authored or co-authored the the Student Activity Fee Funding Research Project, the Association Research Policy, the Association Research Agenda and subsequent Research Agenda Revision, the Student Engagement Research Project, the Association's Best Practices Guide to Survey Design and Data Analysis, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Association and individual campuses for sharing of research platforms and data, and the forthcoming ACPA Advisor Guide Revision.

Clark is a 2007 graduate from Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, where he earned his bachelor's degree in history education, and a 2009 graduate from Ä¢¹½tv, where he earned his master's degree in student affairs in higher education. He has 17 years of experience in student activities management and is currently celebrating his twelfth year at Ä¢¹½tv.

For more information on Clark's presentation, please contact him at 724-357-1393 or