1. Select Highlight Box from the Type dropdown.

  2. Set the column width.

  3. If you wish to have a header at the top of the highlight box, add it with the Heading text field.  You can then set the type of heading in the Heading Level dropdown.

  4. Set the background color.  You can choose to make it light gray or leave it white.

  5. Set the border color.  You can choose from solid crimson, solid gold, a gold/pink gradient, or a dark wood grain.

  6. Set which sides of the highlight box will have borders.  You can choose from left, right, bottom, top and bottom, or all sides.

  7. Finally, use the Content box to add the actual text you would like to highlight on the page.

  1. Select YouTube Embed from the Type dropdown.

  2. Set the column width.

  3. If you wish to include a caption before the embedded video, you can add it into the top Content box.

  4. Enter the YouTube video ID.  This can be found in the video URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnyZaXvp5Jg)

  5. If you wish to include a caption after the embedded video, you can add it into the bottom Content box.

  1. Select Expanding Box from the Type dropdown.

  2. Set the column width.

  3. Enter the top content in the Expanding Box Top Content section.

  4. Enter the bottom content in the Expanding Box Bottom Content section.

  1. Select Grid Layout from the Type dropdown.

  2. Set the column width.  Typically, a grid layout best works with the 12-column full-width selection.

  3. In the Item section, enter the grid item’s header in the Heading field.  You can then set the size/style of the header in the Heading Level dropdown.

  4. You can then add an image for the item using the Image upload field.  It is recommended that you use an image that can work as a smaller size and in a square ratio.

  5. You’ll next need to add an image description to be used as the Image Alt Text.  This is required for all images to meet accessibility purposes.

  6. Next, you’ll add the small description text in the Content field.

  7. Regarding a link in the item, you’ll need to designate if it is an internal link, external link, or that the item will have no link.

  8. If you choose to include a link, you’ll need to enter the link label text in the Label field.  You’ll then be asked to provide the page location/URL.

  9. If you wish to add an additional items, you can do so by selecting the green arrow to the right of the item header.  You can also use the arrow buttons to rearrange your items.

  1. Select

    Event Detail Box from the Type dropdown.

  2. Set the column width.

  3. In the

    Event Selection dropdown, you can choose either to enter the event’s information in manually, or populate the content using an existing event page on the site.

 If you choose Enter Event Information:

  1. Enter the name of the event in the Heading field

  2. If you are providing updated information regarding the event, you can check the Add an “Updated” banner box.  This will add a notification to the top of the event box indicating that has been an update to the event.

  3. In the Additional Date and Location section, you can designate the Start Time, End Time, and Location of the event.

  4. In the Content field, you can add an event description to be displayed in the box.

  5. In the Event Link on Main Heading section, you can determine if the event box heading will link to a page.  If you choose to have a link, you’ll need to designate the Ģtv page, or enter the URL depending on your choice of internal or external.  You can also select if the link will open in a new window or not via the Link Target dropdown.

 If you choose Select Event Page:

  1. Using the

    Choose Page button, find and select the event page on the Ģtv site you want to use.

  2. Under the Additional options for this event section, you can choose to include the event pages current date and time settings.

  3. Next, you can select if you want to add additional dates/times for the event.  Selecting this box will display the Additional Date and Location section where you can designate the Start Time, End Time, and Location of the event.

  4. Selecting the Override the event’s original title box will display a Heading field which you can use to give the event a custom title.

  5. Using the Override the selected event’s link box will display the Event Link on Main Heading section.  From there, you can determine if the event box heading will link to a page.  If you choose to have a link, you’ll need to designate the Ģtv page, or enter the URL depending on your choice of internal or external.  You can also select if the link will open in a new window or not via the Link Target dropdown.

  6. If you are providing updated information regarding the event, you can check the Add an “Updated” banner box.  This will add a notification to the top of the event box indicating that has been an update to the event.

  7. In the Content field, you can add an event description to be displayed in the box.