Cascade's built-in content checker will automatically check new and revised CMS content for spelling errors, invalid internal or external links, and accessibility issues.

Select Check Content & Submit when creating or submitting an asset for changes.

Spell Check 

The Spell Check checks and reports all words (in asset content and metadata) that are not found in the system dictionary.

You have the following options for handling each misspelled word:

  • Ignore—Disregard the word.
  • Fix—Either:
    • Choose from a list of suggested replacements.
    • Enter your own by: 
      • Clicking in the drop-down menu field
      • Pressing the backspace key to clear the suggested word
      • Typing replacement text
      • Clicking the Add <your entered text> beneath the drop-down menu field
    • Click the checkmark in the upper-right to proceed

Note: Digital Team members can add words to the system dictionary. As a result, the spell-checker will flag fewer Ä¢¹½tv-specific names and acronyms over time.

Link Check 

The Link Check ensures that all links between assets in the system and links to external resources are valid. The Broken Link column lists the URL of the broken link, and the Link Text column lists the text wrapped for hyperlinks or the tag name for other types of links. You can click the question mark icon to the left of each link for more information on why the link is considered invalid.

You have two options for handling each broken link:

  • Ignore—Disregard the link.
  • Fix—Enter a corrected URL in a text box (for external links) or choose an asset within Cascade CMS via an asset chooser (for internal links).

Accessibility Check 

The Accessibility content check ensures website content complies with the following accessibility guidelines:

  • Image (img) tags must have alternate text describing the graphic.
  • Links should not have a descriptive title with the same text as the visible link.
  • Table captions should not be empty.

For each issue found, you have the following options:

  • View Non-Compliant Content—View the specific HTML markup flagged during the check.
  • Ignore—Disregard the issue.
  • Fix—Enter a value for the missing or flagged content. For example: alternate text for an image or caption for a table.

If you have specific questions about making your content more accessible, contact the Digital Team

Related reference: Cascade CMS Knowledge Base: Content Checks.