News and events in Ģtv Now will be categorized as follows:


These are individual achievements—such as awards, publications, conference presentations, and research milestones—that go beyond regular employee or student responsibilities. These items run in the newsletter on Mondays. Announcements of program, department, and university recognitions belong under University News. 

University News

This is news of interest to the general Ģtv community. Examples include department, program, and university recognitions and announcements that apply to all audiences or that showcase university strengths. These items run in the newsletter on Wednesdays.

For Employees

This is news of interest to faculty and staff members only. Examples include workshops open to employees only, deadlines to enter grades, and benefits information. These items run in the newsletter on Wednesdays.

Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board is a collection of advertisements that are not related to university business. Only faculty and staff members may post to the Bulletin Board. Examples include yard sales, items for sale by employees, and community events in which employees are involved. These items run in the newsletter on Wednesdays. Read more about Bulletin Board policies.