AED Locations

The university has AED equipment installed in all buildings on campus. Knowing how to use these devices and where they are located can increase the survival rate of a heart attack by 74 percent.

The Ä¢¹½tv interactive map shows the . Most AEDs can be found near an elevator, stairwell, or main lobby.

If you work in one of these buildings, please familiarize yourself with where the AED is located.


This procedure provides structure for the purchase, placement, installation, and maintenance of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in university facilities and vehicles.

The use of an AED is one step in the process of improving survival rates for victims of sudden cardiac arrest. A person’s chance of survival can be increased by establishing a Chain of Survival system that includes early recognition (calling 911), early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), early defibrillation, and access to advanced cardiac life support by emergency medical services (EMS) and medical facilities.


42 Pa.C.S. § 8331.2 specifies Good Samaritan civil immunity for use of AEDs and 42 Pa.C.S. § 8332 specifies nonmedical Good Samaritan civil immunity.

Federal Public Health Improvement Act, Public Law 106-505 (November 13, 2000). Subtitle A of Title IV of the Act, the Cardiac Arrest Survival Act of 2000, amends the Public Health Service Act to provide for placement of AEDs in Federal buildings to improve survival rates of cardiac arrest victims, and to establish protection from civil liability from the use of the devices.

Public Access Defibrillation Guidelines, [Federal Register: May 23, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 100)] Pages 28495-28511]


  • AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
    A device that is designed to analyze a heart rhythm and advise trained or "lay" personnel when to push a button on the AED to deliver a potentially lifesaving shock (defibrillation) to the victim of a sudden cardiac arrest.

  • CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
    An emergency medical procedure using artificial blood circulation and respiration to maintain the flow of oxygenated blood through the body, thereby delaying tissue death and increasing the opportunity for successful resuscitation without brain damage.


The purchase, placement, installation, and maintenance of AEDs at Ä¢¹½tv shall conform to the requirements established in this procedure. No department should purchase or install an AED without following the process established herein.

The content of this procedure is applicable to all Ä¢¹½tv locations.


Emergency Management shall be responsible for maintaining devices to meet regulatory compliance, the standards of the manufacturer, programmatic standards of the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross, and this Ä¢¹½tv procedure. Emergency Management will:

  • Review AED Request Forms submitted by departments.
  • Coordinate AED equipment location with building manager to promote easy access.
  • Ensure that inspections and maintenance are conducted in a timely manner and in accordance with written user and service manuals provided by the manufacturer.
  • Conduct monthly inspections of AEDs to ensure proper operation.
  • Maintain AED inspection records via the AccuTrack system.
  • Purchase and replace batteries, pads, and other supplies as needed.
  • Maintain and provide an inventory of AED locations on campus.
  • Monitor updates to legislation and regulations.


When procurement of an AED is desired, departments shall contact the Emergency Management Office to formally request an AED unit. Request will be reviewed and considered based on location to other AEDs.

The make and model of AEDs placed in service across the university will be standardized. 

Only approved items may be placed in an AED cabinet.

Funding of AEDs

  • AEDs, batteries, pads, etc. are centrally funded through an allocated cost center.

Maintenance and Inspection Requirements

Continuous equipment maintenance is an important element in ensuring a successful program. AEDs are maintained through monthly inspections and routine parts replacement. Emergency Management will be responsible for facilitating monthly and annual inspections of the AED units and maintain the AccuTrack system.   

AED Disposition

All AEDs must be taken out of service when they reach an age to be determined by the manufacture life span, typically eight to 10 years due to internal components deteriorating over time. All AEDs would be replaced when they reach 10 years of deployment.

Incident Notification and Documentation

  • Departments must make notification to Ä¢¹½tv Public Safety within 24 hours of an incident involving an AED at Ä¢¹½tv.
  • The purpose of notifying Emergency Management is so that the data can be extracted and the process to put the AED back into service can begin.

Training Requirements

It is the responsibility of the department to arrange for training and refresher training in CPR/AED use for building occupants. CPR/AED training must be recertified every two years. The Emergency Management Office can provide this training.