Work Order Requests
New work order system! Starting July 1, 2024, service work order requests must be submitted online using . For help, see Requester Guide for using Asset Essentials. A mobile-friendly app is also available to use on mobile devices. To download the app, see Asset Essentials Mobile App.
If you have an emergency request outside of our normal business hours, please call the University Police at 357-2141.
Information about how and where to recycle.
Service Requests Handled by Other Departments
While maintenance workers do maintain most of the facilities on campus, there are certain equipment and services which other departments maintain.
Enterprise Vehicle Reservation Procedure
How to reserve a vehicle with Enterprise for Ä¢¹½tv business only.
Move/Packing Procedures for Departmental Moves
Procedures for packing belongings, furniture, boxes, cabinets, and bookshelves for moving from one area/building to another on campus.
Key Issuance Procedures
Procedures for the issuance and return of university-issued keys.