How do I get my SAP Finance account?
Send a request to to obtain an SAP Finance account. Those who attend SAP Finance training will have an account created for them prior to the training.
What if I do not have SAP installed on my PC?
If SAP does not appear to be installed on the PC in your office, you will need to submit an ticket to obtain instructions for installing SAP.
How do I know what expenses have been charged against my cost center and what my current balance is?
You may contact any accountant from the Financial Operations Office directly, or you may view the account balances using the SAP system. SAP business software enables you to view your current account balances and account transactions for the current and previous fiscal years. To gain access to this system, please contact the Financial Accounting Office at 724-357-7701.
Who is the accountant assigned to help me with my cost center?
General Funds and Auxiliary Funds
Lora Lee Bertig:
Grants/Designated Funds
Mike Aikens:
Plant Funds
Marcey Barna:
Endowment Funds
Tom Toia:
Whom can I contact for help with entering requisitions and reservations?
Requisitions: Tracey Emanuel (, 717-720-4272
Reservations: Bob Zack (, 724-357-2718
I am trying to access the Web Reports and I am being told "Invalid Username." What should I do?
Enter your username again using Ä¢¹½tvMSD\username and your network password. Web Reports are available for historical purposes for pre-SAP information.
How do I transfer budget from one cost center to another or from one budget pool to another within a cost center?
Send an email message or a memo to the accountant responsible for your particular cost center. Indicate in the message the amount of the transfer, the cost center and commitment item the budget is to be taken from, the cost center and commitment item the budget is to be given to, and a brief explanation as to why the transfer is necessary.
Can I transfer budget into my Federal Work Study commitment item (510591) from any other commitment item?
Yes. There are no restrictions on transferring budget into your Federal Work Study commitment item. However, you may want to check with your vice president for other Federal Work Study funds before doing this.
Can I transfer budget from my Federal Work Study commitment item (510591) to the Federal Work Study commitment item of another cost center?
The only restriction on transferring Federal Work Study budget between cost centers is that the receiving cost center cannot be an auxiliary (cost center that begins with 4021, 4022, 4023, 4024, or 4025) or a restricted fund (cost center/wbse that begins with 403).
Can I transfer budget from my Federal Work Study commitment item (510591) to other commitment items?
Yes, but only to the extent that budget from other commitment items have been previously transferred into your Federal Work Study commitment item (510591).
How do I change the title, responsible person, or signature on a cost center?
Send an email message or a memo to the accountant responsible for that particular cost center, and the changes will be implemented.
What is the charge to my cost center for each telephone line?
Approximately $14 per month per line.