Before submitting a Travel Expense Voucher to the Travel Office, please review the checklist below to make sure the form is complete and accurate. Incomplete vouchers will be returned to the traveler, who will be responsible for making corrections and/or supplying missing information. Please note that the checklist is not intended to be all-inclusive. You can reach out to the Travel Office with questions.

  • Name: Provide your legal name and advise of any recent name changes

  • Deliver Check To: If you are enrolled in for travel reimbursements, please enter “Direct Deposit” in the Deliver Check to field.

  • Cost center number: Provide the cost center where the reimbursement should be billed

  • Commitment item: Provide the commitment item number

  • Amount: Provide the amount to be billed to each listed cost center

  • Total: The total will automatically calculate based on the amounts entered for each cost center

  • Purpose of travel: Provide the reason for the travel

  • Date and time trip began and ended: Necessary for calculating/verifying per diem

  • Locations of travel: List the destination

  • Accurate mileage: Employees who are required to travel from their residence to a temporary worksite, other than official headquarters, will be reimbursed either from their residence to the temporary worksite, or from their official headquarters to the temporary worksite, whichever is the shortest mileage distance. Mileage will be verified on If additional mileage is claimed, please provide an explanation/justification.

  • Transportation and lodging: Itemized receipts for transportation, lodging, and meals must show detailed information of the items purchased and provide proof of payment. The Travel Office cannot accept a receipt or card statement showing the total amount only. Justification must be provided for any miscellaneous expense, such as internet in the hotel. The expense must be used for Ä¢¹½tv business only. Room service and meals eaten in the hotel and charged to a lodging receipt are not permitted and will not be reimbursed. Meals cannot be reimbursed on a travel voucher for non-overnight travel.

  • Per diem is based on the date and time the trip began and ended. Only employees can claim per diem. Please refer to our Hourly and Meal Breakdown for Subsistence Allowances chart. Please note, all meal and incidental rates include tips. An example is provided below:

    • An employee leaves Ä¢¹½tv on Monday at 1:00 p.m. to attend a conference in Harrisburg, PA. The employee returns to Ä¢¹½tv from the conference on Thursday at 6:00 p.m. The subsistence rate for Harrisburg is $74 for a 24-hour period. Subsistence of $240.50 shall be paid, calculated as follows:

      Monday at 1:00 p.m. to Thursday at 1:00 p.m. is $222 (three full 24-hour periods) plus $18.50 (refer to the Hourly Breakdown for Subsistence Allowances chart) for the time period of 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Thursday equals a total of $240.50.

  • Students or guests of the university are not entitled to per diem and must turn in itemized receipts for all meals, which include proof of payment. Meal reimbursements for students and guests cannot exceed the per diem rate for the travel location.

  • Miscellaneous expenses: Provide an explanation and itemized receipt for any miscellaneous expense over $35, such as taxis, Uber, local transportation, and parking. The receipt must show exactly what was purchased and cannot be a card statement showing the total amount only.

  • Traveler signature: Traveler must sign the Travel Expense Voucher in the space provided.

  • Authorizing signature: Travel voucher must be signed by the financial manager of the cost center provided for reimbursement. If the traveler is the financial manager, the traveler is not permitted to authorize their own travel expenses and should defer to their supervisor. 

  • All travelers (including students) should pay for their own travel expenses. If expenses are shared, each traveler must turn in his or her own receipt providing proof of payment. For example, if a hotel room is shared, please ask the hotel to split the room cost, and provide each person with a receipt.

If you have any questions, please contact the Travel Office at