Updated 9/11/2020


To secure and responsibly manage private support for the benefit of Ä¢¹½tv.


As a result of our ability to raise, grow, and steward assets, we will enable an affordable, world-class, student-centered education, grounded on scholarship and impact in the world.


  • Entrepreneurship and willingness to pursue new and innovative methods to secure and steward support for the university

  • Excellence and high expectations of ourselves and the university to drive continuous improvement

  • Initiative to proactively and ambitiously support the university

  • Partnership with the university and our stakeholders to collaboratively achieve our common goals

  • Fiduciary responsibility to our donors and the institution whose assets we manage and steward

Strategic Initiatives and Goals


Partner with University Advancement to support fundraising

  1. Work with University Advancement to identify additional, sustainable, unrestricted sources of funds.

  2. Work with University Advancement to develop relationships with foundations and corporations.

  3. Assign an FÄ¢¹½tv board member to work with the provost, the vice president for Student Affairs, and each dean and niversity Advancement representative to identify development and impact opportunities.

  4. Investigate alternative sources of revenue to encourage entrepreneurship.


Secure and optimize the investment portfolio of the Foundation to foster donor confidence and trust

  1. Evaluate and document the need for a chief investment officer, either hired or outsourced, to manage the FÄ¢¹½tv investment portfolio.

  2. Develop a policy for measuring the effectiveness of current portfolio managers.

  3. Evaluate options to provide diversity in use of investment managers (e.g., minority-owned, women-owned) and to engage in socially responsible/environmental, social, and governance (SRI/ESG) investing styles.

  4. Working with the university president and Cabinet, develop a policy on the use of unrestricted funds. On a rolling three-year basis, determine the availability of unrestricted funds, including FÄ¢¹½tv management fees not spent in the operating budget.

  5. Identify potential FÄ¢¹½tv board members with portfolio management expertise.

  6. Develop procedures to evaluate, at a minimum every three years, the endowed funds pay-out calculation formula and the administrative fee charged by the Foundation.

  7. Evaluate the effectiveness of the annual donor letter for both permanent and temporarily restricted funds.

  8. Working with the dean of the College of Fine Arts, evaluate opportunities to provide ongoing time and talent support to the University Museum to further the student educational experience.

  9. Determine all options for the future ownership structure and use of Foundation-owned student housing.


Make transformative investments to advance world-class teaching, research, and service

  1. Meet at least annually with the Ä¢¹½tv president, the Ä¢¹½tv Council of Trustees, and other Ä¢¹½tv affiliated-boards (e.g., Alumni Association, Co-Op) to identify collaboration opportunities.

  2. Meet quarterly with the Ä¢¹½tv University Planning Council to review progress and opportunities with the FÄ¢¹½tv and the Ä¢¹½tv strategic plans.

  3. Evaluate opportunities for FÄ¢¹½tv to provide time, talent, and funding to Steamshop and other Ä¢¹½tv entrepreneurial efforts.

  4. Identify opportunities for FÄ¢¹½tv to support student learning, mentoring, and internship opportunities (e.g., SMIP).

  5. Investigate opportunities for investments in private/public partnerships between FÄ¢¹½tv and Ä¢¹½tv.


Optimize internal and board operations to achieve strategic goals

  1. Develop a flexible Foundation operating expense budget with contingency spending reduction options.

  2. Complete a reserve analysis projection, post- student housing ownership, to determine reserve needs going forward.

  3. Working with the University Cabinet, including the college deans, continue to identify potential board candidates who mirror the diversity of university graduates and who possess needed technical skills (e.g., portfolio management, fundraising).