Do I need an appointment?
Most visits are now by appointment. No appointment is needed to walk in and speak to a registered nurse. Same-day visits are only made by talking with the triage nurse on duty. Walk-in patients are not guaranteed a same-day visit. A registered nurse can discuss your needs and offer you choices for best service. This may include same-day care, an appointment within a few days, a ride to the local IRMC Emergency Department, or an off-campus walk-in clinic.
Routine physicals and sexual health visits, including STD testing, require appointments. This should reduce the amount of waiting time for these elective visits.
Can I get medicines for colds?
Yes. Use our Self-Care Cold Center in the waiting room. It is free, fast, and convenient!
Can I get an excuse for class from Health Service?
We don’t process excuses for class. Each course has its own policy for missing classes. We do see ill and injured students. If you are seen at Health Service, you will receive documentation that shows you were here. If you were not seen at Health Service when you were ill, we would not be able to provide you with any written documentation about your illness.
What do I do if I am sick and need to see a doctor?
There are doctors, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses at the Health Service offices. You can call 724-357-2550 to schedule an appointment or you can simply walk in Monday through Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and on Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and ask to speak with a triage nurse.
What does it cost to be seen at the Ä¢¹½tv Health Service?
All charges incurred at Health Service are posted to your Ä¢¹½tv student account and can be paid through the Student Billing Office. We do not participate in any insurance plans but can provide paperwork to show your insurance company. Most of our fees are listed on our web page, and you can ask questions at the time of your visit or before you incur any charges.
What do I do if I have a medical emergency?
Call 911, or, if you are using an on-campus phone, dial 9-911 for emergency transportation to Indiana Regional Medical Center’s Emergency Department.
What if I don’t have a medical emergency, but think I need immediate care?
If the Health Service is open, come directly to the office. Be sure to tell the staff of your immediate need. If the Health Service is closed, call campus police at 724-357-2141 or call 911 and inform the dispatch that you are an Ä¢¹½tv student and you need non-emergent transport to Indiana Regional Medical Center.
How does summer care work?
The Health Service is open during the summer with special hours and fees. See our web page for summer information. Any student registered for summer classes or for the upcoming fall session can receive care during the summer.
I am curious about some basic health questions, but I don’t have any immediate health care needs. Do you recommend any health-related websites for college students?
We think you will enjoy . This website is an excellent resource. Remember though, never let surfing the web replace getting answers from your healthcare provider if you have signs and symptoms of an illness.
How can I get health insurance?
Although health insurance is not required for your visit at the health service, it is strongly recommended. If you are not currently covered by a health insurance plan, it is recommended that you visit the to enroll.
Does the Health Service offer counseling?
Counseling services are offered on campus at the Ä¢¹½tv Counseling Center within the Center for Health and Well-Being. Find more information on the Counseling Center website. These services are provided at no additional cost to students through their campus Wellness Fee.
Do you still have a health education office?
Ä¢¹½tv’s health educators are part of the Center for Health and Well-Being. Your Wellness Fee covers the cost of the programs and services offered by Health and Wellness Promotion. Find more information about these programs and services on the website for the Center for Health and Well-Being. See the website to use self-assessment tools for alcohol use as well as screenings for depression and eating disorders. Student Wellness and Engagement services are also available on campus through your student Wellness Fee.
Does the Health Service offer contraceptive care and other sexual health services?
The Health Service offers several sexual health services:
- Emergency contraceptive services
- Free condoms
- Routine contraceptive care by appointment with a provider.
- Screenings for sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
- Monthly walk-in STI clinics. Testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia only. The first Wednesday of the month during the semester. Cost is $10 billed to the student account as a "wellness visit."
- Annual pap tests and breast exams for women (lab test is sent off campus and is not included in the health fee). An appointment is needed with a provider for this service.
- If students wish to have their “depo” injections at the Health Service, they need to either have the prescription from their personal gynecologist or make an appointment with a provider to get a prescription. Our nursing staff can perform the injection. Call ahead to discuss how to receive the depoprovera injection at the Health Service.
Am I required to get the vaccination for meningococcal meningitis?
Look under our policy page for more information about the meningitis vaccine.
How can I find out more about the meningitis shot?
Read the about the shot from the Centers for Disease Control.
What do I do about my health history and Immunizations?
Students may . Students should keep copies for their own records. There is no physical required to attend Ä¢¹½tv, but the immunization information could be supplied from your doctor's records or from personal records.