The Ä¢¹½tv Living-Learning Communities (LLCs) enhance students' personal development and contribute to their academic success. Each of our communities consist of Living-Learning Partnersfaculty and staff members who work tirelessly to enhance our LLCs.
This year we are proud to announce our nominations for the Living-Learning Partner of the Year!
- Elaine Little, Health and Wellness LLC, Suites on Maple East and Ruddock Hall
- Colin Ashe, Chemistry LLC, Northern Suites
- Kevin Berezansky, Honors College LLC, Whitmyre Hall
- Dawn Smith-Sherwood, Global Awareness LLC, Wallwork Hall
- Terry Appolonia, Business LLC, Stephenson Hall
- Kevin Foster, Leadership Development LLC, Suites on Pratt
- Michael Schwartz, Fine Arts LLC, Putt and Delaney Hall
As voted by our students, this year's award goes to Elaine Little of the Nursing and Allied Health Professions Department.Professor Little has donated many hours to the Health and Wellness community and her students.
We would like to thank all of our Living-Learning Partners for their great work this year!