Active OPEIU/PSSU/PDA Employees

Eligibility Criteria:

The active OPEIU/PSSU/PDA employee must be permanent/full-time (or permanent/part-time employed at least 50 percent) and in an active pay status. Tuition waiver applications can be submitted for the first semester/session following the employee's hire date.

Tuition Waiver Benefit:

Active OPEIU/PSSU/PDA Employee (Full-time or part-time)

  • 100 percent waiver of tuition for six undergraduate credits per fall and spring semester (up to four credits per winter or summer session)
  • Waiver of Activity, Health, Technology, and Transportation fees
  • Ä¢¹½tv only - no tuition waiver benefit at other Pennsylvania State System schools
  • No tuition waiver benefit for graduate credits

Spouse Active OPEIU/PSSU/PDA Employee (Full-time or Part-time)

  • No tuition waiver benefits

Child of Active OPEIU/PSSU/PDA Employee (Full-time or Part-time)

  • 100 percent waiver of tuition at Ä¢¹½tv up to two full years* past the date of completion of the child's first undergraduate degree. *Indefinite if child is dependent for IRS purposes.
  • Waiver of Technology Fee
  • Ä¢¹½tv only - no tuition waiver benefit at other State System schools
    No tuition waiver benefit for graduate credits

Retired OPEIU/PSSU/PDA Employees

Retired OPEIU/PSSU/PDA employees, their spouses,and their children are not eligible for Tuition Waiver Benefit at Ä¢¹½tv or any other State System school.

Permanently Disabled or Deceased OPEIU/PSSU/PDA Employees

Eligibility Criteria:

The permanently disabled OPEIU/PSSU/PDA employee must have at least 10 years of service with the State System of Higher Education and became permanently disabled while an active employee.

The deceased OPEIU/PSSU/PDA employee must have had at least 10 years of service with the State System of Higher Education and became deceased while an active employee.

Tuition Waiver Benefit:

Permanently Disabled or Deceased OPEIU/PSSU/PDA Employee: no tuition waiver benefit

Spouse of Permanently Disabled or Deceased OPEIU/PSSU/PDA Employee: no tuition waiver benefit

Child of Permanently Disabled or Deceased OPEIU/PSSU/PDA Employee

  • 100 percent waiver of tuition up to two full years* past the date of completion of the child's first undergraduate degree. *Indefinite if child is dependent for IRS purposes.
  • Waiver of Technology Fee
  • Ä¢¹½tv only - no tuition waiver benefit at other State System schools
  • No tuition waiver benefit for graduate credits

Eligibility Grid for OPEIU/PSSU/PDA

Benefit Grid for OPEIU/PSSU/PDA


Apply for Tuition Waiver

Ä¢¹½tv Tuition Reimbursement Program for OPEIU

Reference (University Tuition Waiver Policy)