It is the policy of Ä¢¹½tv to permit telecommuting work arrangements as set forth in the related procedure when it is in the best interests of the university and when it will enhance the productivity of the employee.
This policy and procedure applies to university staff, both represented and nonrepresented positions. It does not apply to faculty, coaches, nurses, student workers, graduate assistants, or public safety positions. Telecommuting is not an employee right or guaranteed employee benefit, and the implementation and/or continuation of telecommuting is at the sole discretion of the employer.
Requests for telecommuting should first be submitted to an employee’s supervisor. If supervisors approve a telecommuting request, it then will be submitted to the employee’s dean/director, vice president, and president for consideration. If the supervisor is the vice president, they will need to sign both as the supervisor and the vice president.
Electronic forms for requesting approval are available using the link below. Requests should only be submitted electronically. When entering the approvers, enter a person once at the highest level; for instance, if your supervisor is a VP, enter them only as the VP—don’t enter their name twice. You will need both the name and Ä¢¹½tv email of the approver(s). Do not use an alias email.