An Office 365 Distribution Group has these features:

  • The list owner subscribes and unsubscribes members of the list.
  • Anyone can send a message to the list (called posting).
  • Only Ä¢¹½tv email addresses can be subscribed to the Distribution Group.

To request a distribution group, fill out the form below. To manage an existing group, follow the instructions on the right.

Managing an existing Office 365 Distribution Group

Owners of a Distribution group can manage the members of the group via the Outlook Web App available at , or the Email button in . Once logged in to your account, use these steps to access your group:

  1. Click on the gear icon at the top right of the Outlook Web App to open the Settings menu.
  2. Click on General in the left column
  3. Click on Distribution groups in the middle column. 
  4. Click the this portal link to go to the management portal.
  5. You will see your distribution groups divided into two groups
    1. Distribution groups I belong to on the left
    2. Distribution groups I own on the right
  6. You are able to edit the groups you own. Choose the group you want to manage, then click on the pencil icon.
  7. When the new dialog box appears, click on Membership to view the members of the group. This will allow you to add and remove people from this group.
  8. Save your updates, then you can close the tab.