The library's collections and services serve the Ä¢¹½tv community, helping staff, faculty, and students achieve success. The information below is a quick snapshot of our collections, instruction, and reference services.
2024 Snapshot
Main Library
The Stapleton-Stabley Main Library holds our circulating book collection, audiovisual materials, print journal collections, reference collections, children's collection, and the university archives. Our electronic collections, including e-books and electronic journals, are available to students, faculty, and staff of Ä¢¹½tv from anywhere in the world.
Area | Quantity |
Circulating Books | 388,319 |
Reference Collection | 23,677 |
Children's Collection | 31,328 |
Ä¢¹½tv Dissertations and Theses | 5,981 |
Journals and Periodicals | 10,162 print / 80,148 electronic |
E-books | 798,228 |
Audiovisual Materials | 7,628 |
Research and Instruction Support
Our Reference and Research Services include both the Information Desk and our expert faculty librarians, who provide telephone, chat, in-person, and email research and reference support to the Ä¢¹½tv community.
The Information Desk is the first point of support for library users, as well as anyone calling the University for information or assistance, while faculty librarians respond to all chat, email, and on-call, in-person research support questions.
Ä¢¹½tv librarians also provide information literacy instruction to students of all levels, and custom-tailored to support student and faculty research and coursework.
- Information Literacy Instruction: 824 students
- Information Desk Questions: 9,481
- Email / Chat Reference Questions: 420
Special Collections and University Archives
The Ä¢¹½tv Libraries Special Collections and University Archives houses Ä¢¹½tv historic documents, manuscripts, rare books, and a vast collection of images. Our special focus on Pennsylvania history and an excellent collection of rare, first-edition works make our Special Collections a unique and powerful research resource.
Archival Collections:
- 145 record groups (3,000 linear feet)
- 249 manuscript groups (7,235 linear feet)
Pennsylvania Collection and Rare Books: 30,000 volumes, including first-edition works by Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells
Photographs and Images: 650,000
Orendorff Music Library
The Orendorff Music Library, located in Cogswell Hall, houses our superb music collections. Thousands of scores, recordings, and circulating works are complemented by unique, specialized research collections.
Monuments and Collected Editions: 11,433
Reference Works: 11,561
Circulating Books and Scores: 32,198
Sound Recordings: 13,015
Specialized Collections:
- Charles Davis Collection of Jazz and Musical Theatre
- Edward R. Sims Collection of Ethnic Musical Instruments
- Albert R. Casavant Research Collection