Please join the Ä¢¹½tv Libraries and Infobase's director of Online Training and Professional Development, Angel DeRue, in Stabley 101 at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3, to learn more about our premier streaming video service,.

This Lunch 'n Learn session will offer a demonstration of the enhanced functionality and improved user experience that make Films on Demand an exceptional resource to support learning in all academic programs at Ä¢¹½tv.

Films on Demand offers compelling programs that have won numerous awards, including Peabody, Oscar, Emmy, and many more! Videos from top producers, such as A&E, National Geographic, and TED, offer A-list performances and quality production. Films on Demand video includes a wide range of videos on topics ranging from classical theater performances to critical social issues:

  • True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality
  • The series "#MeToo, Now What?"
  • TEDTalks series, Angela Lee Duckworth"The key to success? Grit"
  • Hamlet (Stratford Shakespearean Festival of Canada)
  • The Difference Between Us: RaceThe Power of an Illusion

If you cannot attend in person, please contact Emily Szitas at for instructions for joining the presentation online.