
Realignment in Library Collections

Declining student enrollments continue to impact the acquisitions budget for the Ģtv Libraries. Changes to our information resources, including cancellations or reduced access, will affect listings on the Ģtv Libraries Databases. Only a defined set of current resources are affected, and many library users will notice limited impact on their search strategies.


Into the Archives: Women Writers Virtual Presentation, Dec. 2

A virtual presentation on Wednesday, December 2, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. will feature a special selection of works by notable woman authors from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as contemporary fiction and relevant extra-literary materials.

De-Stress Week: Activities to Help Bring Calm and Focus to a Stressful Time

Starting November 16, a series of de-stress activities will be offered on campus and online.

Orendorff Music Library: A Best-Kept Secret

The Orendorff Music Library is one of the best-kept secret places for students to feel right at home. The Music Library is open to all students, employees, alumni, and our local community members. 


Ģtv Libraries Hosts Open Education K-12 Conference, October 21

In honor of Open Access Week, Ģtv Libraries will host an Open Education K-12 Conference on Wednesday, October 21. Open Access Week celebrates the free, immediate, online access to the results of scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use those results as you need. The entire Ģtv community is invited to to register for any or all of the Zoom sessions.

Register for SAGE in Session Training

Are you researching a topic that deals with current affairs such as marijuana legalization, climate change legislation, or terrorism? The CQ Researcher database is a great place to start! “A Roadmap to Research with CQ Researcher” takes place at noon on Wednesday, October 14. Register now.

Announcing “the Hatchery,” Ģtv's Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Student Journal

The Hatchery was created by Ģtv Libraries in conjunction with the Jones White Writing Center and the Undergraduate Research Center. Any Ģtv undergraduate student can submit work to this journal.


Library Special Collections Open for Business: Virtually and In-Person

Although the third floor of the Stapleton Library is currently closed to the public due to COVID-19 restrictions on campus, the Ģtv Special Collections and University Archives remains open virtually and by advanced appointment for in-person research.

No-Cost CLEs for Attorneys

Are you an attorney who needs to complete your CLE credits? The library database Westlaw is offering no-cost CLEs through December 2020.


Fall 2020 Operations Information

During the fall 2020 semester, a number of changes and modifications to library operations and policies have been made, based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Pennsylvania Department of Health, that are designed to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

Library Resumes Limited Operations

The Ģtv Libraries have resumed several key operations as staff begin working varied schedules behind closed doors. Although library buildings won’t open for general use until Monday, August 24, staff are receiving books and interlibrary loan returns through the book drop at the front of Stapleton Library.


Library Circulation Services Extends Due Dates for Library Books

Ģtv Libraries has extended due dates for borrowed books to ease worries about returning materials during this challenging time.

Built to Last: Ģtv Celebrates 145 Years

May 17, 1875—145 years ago—marked the beginning of the very first 10-week session at the State Normal School in Indiana, Pennsylvania. One hundred and fifty students attended the opening ceremony, and student enrollment reached 200 during the first week of classes.

Ģtv Libraries Reference and Instruction Support During Summer 2020

Ģtv Libraries will provide reference support during Summer 1 and Summer 2 sessions, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday–Friday.


Library Tip of the Day: E-Book Access at the Ģtv Libraries

The Ģtv Libraries offers access to hundreds of thousands of electronic books, accessible through the library search and the Ģtv Libraries website. Using our Library Search (right from the Library’s home page) will return both print and electronic versions of books.

Library Tip of the Day: Streaming Video Solutions at the Library

The Ģtv Libraries provides students, faculty, and staff with 15 different streaming video services, as well as numerous other scholarly sources that include streaming video content, bringing high-quality documentaries, biographies, great performances, historical video, and more to your desktop. 

Interlibrary Loan Goes Remote and Online

Although the Ģtv Libraries buildings are temporarily closed, library faculty and staff continue to provide remote support of the university’s online teaching, learning, and research activities. One key component is a robust system for interlibrary loan of electronic resources from other institutions.

Library Tip of the Day: Access Library Resources via VPN

Electronic resources at the Ģtv Libraries are easily available to Ģtv students, faculty, and staff from any off-campus location by following some simple access rules.

Cambridge University Press Extends E-book Access to Ģtv

The Cambridge University Press has offered trial access to three e-book databases through the Ģtv Libraries. The trial period for these resources runs through May 31, 2020.

Ģtv Libraries Offers Trial Resource for Music Research

Two collections from the Le Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM) is now available as a trial through the Ģtv Libraries. Trial access ends on May 31, 2020. 

Ģtv Libraries Offers Trial Access to New EBSCO E-Book Collections

The Ģtv Libraries is offering trial access to two new e-book collections provided by EBSCOHost. These trials are available through June 15, 2020. 

Adam Matthew Digital History Database Acquired by Ģtv Libraries

AM Explorer, a major historical primary source resource, is now part of the Ģtv Libraries collection—permanently! Acquisition through our consortia partner, PALCI, has made this collection of millions of pages of unique primary historical content available to the Ģtv community.

HeinOnline Provides Free Research Access Through Fall Semester

HeinOnline, a premier government and history database, is making their entire collection available through the end of the fall 2020 semester.


Ģtv Libraries Offers Trial Access to SAGE Video and SAGE Research Methods Video

These resources offer high-quality streaming videos, developed in partnership with leading academics, societies, and practitioners to deliver cutting-edge teaching and research-oriented video within the social sciences. Trial access runs through June 20, 2020. 

E-books Available to Students, Researchers Through the Internet Archive

The National Emergency Library of the Internet Archive is expanding access to its large e-book collection, allowing users to borrow books through its Open Library system, which includes about 1.4 million digital books from the 20th century.

Ģtv Libraries Offers Trial Access to Bloomsbury Fashion Central

Ģtv Libraries is offering trial access to Bloomsbury Fashion Central, a premier database of fashion and design resources. The trial offers four core collections—the Berg Fashion Library, Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases, Fashion Photography Archive, Fairchild Books Library—as well as the Bloomsbury Fashion Video Archive.

Ģtv Libraries Announces Expanded JSTOR Access

JSTOR is providing expanded access to their collections for the rest of the academic year. Many JSTOR Archive and Primary Source collections that were previously unavailable are now accessible through June 30, 2020.

Films on Demand Now Offers App for Apple Devices

Films on Demand, a premier streaming video service for academics, is now available as an app for Apple devices.

New Look for the OVID Nursing Database

The OVID Nursing database has received a facelift, improving the search interface and features.

Ģtv Libraries Trials Docuseek Documentary Film Database Through April 17

Ģtv Libraries is running a trial of the Docuseek film database through April 17, with more than 1,600 documentary titles in streaming video format.

SUSPENDED: Ģtv Libraries Extends Residential Home Delivery for Books

Due to changes in the Libraries’ operational response to the coronavirus outbreak, Residential Home Delivery services have been suspended until further notice.


Ģtv Libraries Lunch 'n Learn: Films on Demand, March 3

The Ģtv Libraries presents a Lunch ’n Learn session about the Films on Demand database on Tuesday, March 3, at 12:30 p.m.

Ģtv Libraries' Lunch and Learn: Credo Reference

The Credo Reference database has relaunched with a reimagined search experience. Please join us at the Ģtv Libraries at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, to learn about this superb reference resource, including how to take advantage of Credo’s new Mind Map search.

Rockliff, Award-Winning Children's Author, Presents at Ģtv Libraries

Mara Rockliff will speak at the Ģtv Libraries on Monday, March 2, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Stabley Library, room 201. A book signing will follow.

Ģtv Libraries Presents Award-Winning Children's Author Mara Rockliff on March 2

Rockliff, whose style is described as “lively historical,” is the author of Mesmerized: How Ben Franklin Solved a Mystery that Baffled All of France and Gingerbread for Liberty! She will speak at the Ģtv Libraries on Monday, March 2, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. A book signing will follow.


Ģtv Libraries February Lunch 'n Learn: OVID Nursing Full-Text Plus

The Ģtv Libraries invites all users of the Ovid Nursing database, and anyone interested in knowing more about this resource, to join us for a Lunch ’n Learn session on February 11 to learn more about taking advantage of its full capabilities.

Oxford Scholarship Online and Academic Video Online Now Available at Library

Ģtv Libraries is pleased to announce two new scholarly resources: Oxford Scholarship Online and Academic Video Online. 

Ģtv Libraries Supports Zero Textbook Cost Courses and Open Educational Resources

The Ģtv Libraries wants to recognize faculty who are teaching and supporting zero textbook cost classes for their students. Courses like these use open educational resources, open access materials, and library resources to ensure that access to course materials comes at no cost to the student. 

Ģtv Libraries Electronic Resources Realigned; Will Be a Topic at January 15 Tech Day

Continuing a commitment to careful and strategic stewardship of university resources, while respecting necessary budget reductions, several changes have been made in the electronic resources maintained by the Ģtv Libraries.