We are pleased to announce the launch of the the Hatchery, an open access undergraduate student journal!

TheHatcheryisĢtv's multidisciplinaryundergraduate academicresearchjournal, createdby Ģtv Libraries in conjunction withthe Jones White Writing Center and the Undergraduate Research Center.

Any Ģtv undergraduate student can submit work to this journal.Articles shouldcontributeto the scholarly conversation byexploringnew ideasand developing knowledge in new waysthroughits context and purpose, content development, communication of ideas, choice of evidence, attribution of sources, and syntax and mechanics.Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by Ģtv graduate students.

The Hatchery seeks to encourage collaboration between students and their professors to produce work to be published in the journal; give students the chance to publish research to add to their own portfolio; teach the logistics, processes, and discipline of the scholarly publication process; and help students join the ongoing scholarly conversation in their field.

Submission deadline for spring publication isDecember15.Prior tosubmitting, all articles must be reviewed bythe Jones White Writing Center. Students interested in submittingto theHatcheryshould make anin-person or onlineappointment.