The Ä¢¹½tv Libraries is happy to announce that Thomson Reuters is offering a series of training webinars on their premier WestLaw product, including the possibility of earning a free CLE credit hour. Learn about and register for the training sessions below.

Intro to Research on Westlaw (1 CLE Credit Hour)

Friday February 19, 10:15 a.m.

Thomson Reuters offers one substantive CLE credit for its Introduction to Research on Westlaw Webex session. It will cover research fundamentals on Westlaw. You will learn how to pull up documents by citation and name, search by legal issue, check if a case is still good law, and save your research for later. This credit one-hour CLE is available for Illinois, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

Thomson Reuters' additional instructional webinars on the Westlaw product are described below. Note: the following webinars do not offer CLE credit.

Westlaw Fundamentals (45 min.)

Tuesday, February 9, 11:15 a.m.

This Westlaw Classic Fundamentals gets down to the basics of Westlaw. Learn how to pull up a case/statute by citation or name. We will go through the benefit of plain language searching, using type ahead, and review how to verify cases and statutes are good law using KeyCite.

Practical WestLaw (30 min.)

Tuesday, February 16, 1:15 p.m.

Need to get quickly oriented on less familiar topics in the law? Practical Law on Westlaw is the perfect starting point. In this course we will learn to navigate the Practical Law platform and the uses for the different resource types. We will also showcase some of the free COVID-19 resources available on PL that do not require a subscription to access.

Understanding Boolean (30 mins)

Monday, February 22, 1:15 p.m.

When searching database, the"power users" like to search with Terms and Connectors. This session will help make sense of it all and cover how to use them.

Public Records (45 min.)

Wednesday, February 24, 10:15 a.m.

In this session you will learn how to locate records regarding individuals and build a graphical display of the individual to show the person's connections. We will also cover Company Investigator and how you can use this tool to see corporate family tree structures, determine relationships among corporate entities, set up alerts, and generate reports for information related to the company and more.

For questions or more information about these sessions, please contact Emily Szitas ( for assistance.