To learn more about health and fitness, check out what the pros have to say. Information especially for Ä¢¹½tv faculty members who would like to take advantage of our unique fitness center is located on the bottom of this page.
For Your Information
Working Heart Rate
Know this so you can ensure you're getting the most from your cardio workout.
Take a measure of your resting heart rate. It is best to do this right when you wake up in the morning before you start going through your daily routines. Measure your pulse for 10 seconds, then multiply by 60 to get your beats per minute (BPM) . . . or, you could use a watch to time your heart beats for an entire minute and get the same number. Use the Working Heart Rate Range Chart to calculate what your heart rate range should be when you are exercising based on your age. The more fit you are, the higher your heart rate will need to be to ensure your are getting the most from your cardio workout.
Professional Resources
Professional Organizations
Professional Publications
For Ä¢¹½tv Health and Physical Education Department Faculty
If you would like to reserve the fitness center for classroom use, please remember the following:
- Sign out the Fitness Center: ask a staff member in the gym for the Fitness Center binder. In the "Fitness Center Sign Out" section, please indicate your name, the time you would like to reserve the gym, approximate class size, and the area you will be using (i.e., aerobics room, resistance, cardio, etc.). This way, other faculty can keep track of when the fitness center is open for their activities, plus it lets staff know when we can schedule maintenance.
- The only times available for class use are 8:00-11:00 a.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. If you cannot schedule for these times, you must get contact management or Dr. Hsiao to discuss an alternative.
If you plan to give assignments to your students that will require the use of the fitness center, please note the following:
- Complete the Fitness Center Class Assignment Use Form , attach it to the sign out sheet, and return it to staff in the fitness center. Forms are also available in the fitness center in the Fitness Center binder.
- Use the Permission Slips for Non-Student Fitness Center Hours template to give to students who request to come in during non-student hours (daytime hours), also available in the Fitness Center binder.
- Implementing the use of this form will do a few things:
- It will allow your students to come in during non-student hours if necessary as long as they bring a permission slip (please limit this)
- It will allow you to more easily keep track of when your students complete your assignments using the sign-on sheet (we will keep this on record and can copy it for you if you wish)
- It will allow us to better enforce our limited-access-to-students policy.
Let's work together to make it work for everyone! Thank you!