The University Museum presents several exhibits annually. It is a multi-discipline museum, including art, history, and other exhibits.
Exhibits are also presented by Kipp Gallery.
View the Events Calendar for Lively Arts.
Experiment and Color on White
Museum Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 11:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.; Admission free
Summer 2015 will bring two concurrent exhibitions to the University Museum: Experiment: Poland/USA Fiber Art Collaboration and Color on White: Collage by Barbara Westman.
Both Experiment and Color on White will run June 8 - July 16, 2015. An opening reception will be held June 6, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m., with Barbara Westman's artist's talk beginning at 7:00 p.m., all in the University Museum, Sutton Hall.

Triennial 2015
September 12–October 17, 2015; University Museum, Sutton Hall
The Triennial 2015 features recent works by current faculty members in the Department of Art at Ä¢¹½tv.
Gala: Your Special Island
October 16, 2015, 6:00–10:00 p.m.; University Museum and Blue Room, Sutton Hall
The University Museum's annual benefit gala will set you among the warm sun, white sands, swaying palm trees, and crystal blue waters with its island-themed evening of art, music, and culinary delicacies. Reservations are required, with more information available by late August.
Walk Through Latin America
October 31–December 12, 2015; University Museum and Blue Room, Sutton Hall
The exhibition begins with a Day of the Dead (DÃa de los Muertos) celebration on October 31 and closes in the festive season of Navidad (Christmas). Special speakers and programs will be scheduled during the exhibition weeks.
2016 MFA Thesis Exhibitions
February 6-March 4, 2016; Kipp Gallery and Annex Gallery, Sprowls Hall; University Museum, Sutton Hall
Bring the family and walk between the University Museum and the Kipp Galleries to experience the best the Ä¢¹½tv Art Department has to offer.
Bartram's Boxes Remix
March 26-May 7, 2016; University Museum and Blue Room, Sutton Hall
The exhibit features work in wood and other materials inspired by botanist John Bartram's passion for trees and other plants.
The University Museum Goes Downtown
April 6-May 2, 2016; Artists Hand Gallery, Philadelphia Street, Downtown Indiana
Enjoy a cup of fine coffee or tea as you take in the University Museum Goes Downtown exhibit at Downtown Indiana's Artists Hand Gallery.