Voice students from Ä¢¹½tv competed in the National Association of Teachers of Singing annual competition November 10-14, 2020. The local chapter, known as the Tri-State Chapter, is made up of university professors, private voice teachers, and high school teachers from Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Easter Ohio. Ä¢¹½tv Voice faculty Joseph Baunoch and Oliver Lo serve as chapter president and treasurer respectively, while Mary Logan-Hastings and Raquel Winnica-Young are chapter members. Gino Giovanni Parillo, a graduate student in voice at Ä¢¹½tv, is also a member.

Ä¢¹½tv voice students have competed and won at past chapter, regional, and even the national competitions over the last few years, further cementing the Ä¢¹½tv Voice Area on the national stage.

Normally, the competition is held in person; but, due to coronavirus restrictions and safety protocols this year, it was held online. Baunoch and Lo served as organizers and site coordinators for the competition in collaboration with Alexander Lee from Marshall University. Other universities sending students were West Virginia University, Marshall University, West Liberty University, Chatham University, Fairmont State University, and Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania.

Listed here with their respective voice professors are this year's winners from Ä¢¹½tv:

Lower College/Music Theater Tenor/Baritone/Bass Voice

First place: Keith (Elijah) Thomas
Teacher: Oliver Lo

First-Year College/Independent Studio Treble Voice

Second place: Amanda Iandorio
Teacher: Mary Logan-Hastings

Second-Year College/Independent Studio Tenor/Baritone/Bass Voice

Second place: Elijah Thomas
Teacher: Oliver Lo

Upper College/Music Theater Treble Voice

First place: Elise Reichenfeld
Teacher: Oliver Lo

Upper College/Music TheaterTenor/Baritone/Bass Voice

First place: Sabin Fisher
Teacher: Mary Logan-Hastings

Second place: Kyle Chastulik
Teacher: Joseph Baunoch

Third place: Dominic Umbaugh
Teacher: Oliver Lo

Third-Year College/Independent Studio Treble Voice

First place: Sabrina Long
Teacher: Joseph Baunoch

Second place: Carley Haskins
Teacher: Mary Logan-Hastings

Fourth-Year College/Independent Studio Treble Voice

Fourth place: Scylla Humbert
Teacher: Joseph Baunoch

Third-Year College/Independent StudioTenor/Baritone/Bass Voice

First place: Dominic Umbaugh
Teacher: Oliver Lo

Second place: Henry O'Neil
Teacher: Raquel Winnica Young

Fourth-Year College/Independent StudioTenor/Baritone/Bass Voice

First place: Kyle Chastulik
Teacher: Joseph Baunoch

Second place: Charles Aurand
Teacher: Mary Logan-Hastings

Department of Music