Theater-by-the-Grove and Ģtv Music Theater invite all students to consider auditioning or working backstage on the spring musical theatre production of Carousel.
It will have two performances accompanied by the Ģtv Symphony Orchestra, March 4 and 5, 2022. Some preliminary work will begin in the fall for cast members and select production staff. Others will begin the first week of the spring semester. We are excited to announce that the production will be directed by guest artist , artistic director of Timberlake Playhouse.
Auditions will be held on Sunday, November 28, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. by appointment. Auditionees will present a prepared monologue, song excerpts and be given a short dance combination to learn. An accompanist will be provided. See the for further details and a link to song excerpts. Message Oliver Lo at slo@iup.edu with any questions.
To indicate an interest in an assignment to backstage production work, register on . The producing staff will get back to you with an assignment or questions. For answers to questions before registering your assignment request, send a message to Brian Jones at brjones@iup.edu.
If you would like to perform in the Ģtv Symphonic Orchestra, send a message to orchestra director Alex Dee adee@iup.edu.
About the Production
The musical is a co-production between the two student organizations supported in part by the Student Co-operative Association. Theater-by-the-Grove is Ģtv's professionally modeled theatre company, and Music Theatre is the Music Department's musical theater and opera ensemble under the artistic direction of Oliver Lo.