CanvasRebel, an online storytelling and interview platform whose mission is “to create a space for artists, creatives and entrepreneurs to be able to learn from their peers through the magic and power of storytelling,” recently featured Kaitlyn Cramer ’17 (BA Theatre, BSEd English Education) as one of the independent artists sharing stories and insights on their field.

In the interview, Cramer says that while she “didn’t even know what a stage manager was until my sophomore year,” she was encouraged by a theater faculty member “to change my theater minor to a major, then to a dual degree, and then to stage manage a show when I didn’t think I was ready. That kind of catapulted me into a life of taking risks—especially with my career.”

Cramer’s creativity and risk-taking took her to Los Angeles, where she now works as a stage manager and production coordinator for EPIC Entertainment Group on live event production, themed entertainment, and location-based attractions.

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