Undergraduate Programs, Natural Science

Undergraduate Programs

The program leading to the BS degree with a major in natural science is designed to prepare students for admission to professional schools—chiropractic, dentistry, optometry, and physical therapy. A separate track through the Physics Department prepares students for further study in engineering. Cooperative programs Ģtv has established with professional schools can help you reach your career goals.

BS in Natural Science

Pre-Chiropractic, Natural Science, BS

Pre-Dentistry, Natural Science, BS

Pre-Optometry, Natural Science, BS

Pre-Physical Therapy, Natural Science, BS

Pre-Physician Assistant, Natural Science, BS


Kopchick College Fund to Honor Retired Dean

When Dr. Deanne Snavely announced her retirement as dean of the John J. and Char Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics on June 4, 2021, her friends and colleagues knew they needed to come together to honor Dr. Snavely’s work and tenure at the university.

Ģtv Council of Trustees Honor Alumni with Naming of Tutoring Room in John J. and Char Kopchick Hall

Ģtv’s Council of Trustees today approved a resolution to honor and recognize the contributions of Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient retired Rear Admiral CJ Jaynes with the naming of a room in John J. and Char Kopchick Hall. The tutoring room will be named “The Admiral’s Study” in her honor.

Ģtv Council of Trustees Presents Resolution of Appreciation to Narayanaswamy Bharathan

Ģtv’s Council of Trustees today presented a resolution of appreciation to to Narayanaswamy Bharathan, chair of Ģtv’s Department of Biology, for his work in the fight against COVID-19 and for his ongoing commitment to Ģtv.

Director of Space Enabled Research Group Speaks on “Sustainability in Space and on Earth”

On Thursday, February 18, 2021, from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Danielle Wood, assistant professor of media arts and sciences and the Aeronautics and Astronautics Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will give a guest lecture via Zoom titled, “Sustainability in Space and on Earth: Research Initiatives of the Space Enabled Research Group” as part of the Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer Series in coordination with the Science Inspires Lecture Series.