Utilization of Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF III) Under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act:
American Rescue Plan Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Committee, Distribution Plans
The University American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Committee, comprised of representatives from Student Affairs, Institutional Research, University Advancement, Financial Aid, Student Billing, and IT Services, has created an initial distribution plan to provide assistance to students from ARPA funds. Ä¢¹½tv will be distributing $13,508,299 in ARPA funding to more than 9,000 Ä¢¹½tv students.
To qualify for the ARPA funds, students must be enrolled in at least one class—either credit hour or clock hour. Students are encouraged to have a valid 2020-21 and 2021-22 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file with the Ä¢¹½tv Office of Financial Aid; however, all students, regardless of whether they completed a FAFSA or are eligible for federal Title IV aid funds, will receive ARPA funds, including U.S. citizens, undocumented, and international students.
Federal guidelines for awarding ARPA monies require universities to prioritize domestic students with “exceptional need.” To equitably distribute ARPA funds, Ä¢¹½tv will utilize students’ Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which is calculated when students file their FAFSA application at . Students can view their EFC via the Financial Aid Award Overview on the Finances page on MyÄ¢¹½tv. Summer awards will be based on the 2020-21 FAFSA and fall awards will utilize the 2021-22 FAFSA application. There will also be an award amount for students who choose not to file a FAFSA.
Students enrolled for summer classes who have not yet filed a 2020-21 FAFSA application but would like to be considered for ARPA funding based on their EFC should no later than June 29, 2021. Students enrolled for fall classes should file their 2021-22 FAFSA application as soon as possible but no later than August 30, 2021.
The award eligibility breakdown is as follows and students enrolled in both the summer and fall terms may receive the award amount applicable for summer and fall:
Students who graduated in May 2021*:
- $600 Domestic Undergraduates
- $500 International Undergraduates, Domestic and International Graduates
Domestic undergraduate students enrolled in one or more 2021 summer classes:
- 0 EFC: $1,200 distribution
- 1 to 5,711 EFC: $1,000 distribution
- 5,712 to 7,000 EFC: $800 distribution
- 7,001 to 16,000 EFC: $400 distribution
- 16,001+ EFC: $300 distribution
- No 20-21 FAFSA on file/no EFC: $300
Graduate students enrolled in one or more 2021 summer classes:
- 0 EFC: $1,100 distribution
- 1 to 5,711 EFC: $900 distribution
- 5,712 to 7,000 EFC: $700 distribution
- 7,001 to 16,000 EFC: $350 distribution
- 16,001+ EFC: $250 distribution
- No 20-21 FAFSA on file/no EFC: $250
International students enrolled in one or more 2021 summer classes:
- Undergraduates: $740 distribution
- Graduates: $660 distribution
Domestic undergraduate students enrolled in one or more 2021 fall classes:
- 0 EFC: $1,800 distribution
- 1 to 5,846 EFC: $1,500 distribution
- 5,847 to 7,000 EFC: $1,200 distribution
- 7,001 to 16,000 EFC: $600 distribution
- 16,001+ EFC: $450 distribution
- No 20-21 FAFSA on file/no EFC: $450
Graduate students enrolled in one or more 2021 fall classes:
- 0 EFC: $1,650 distribution
- 1 to 5,846 EFC: $1,350 distribution
- 5,847 to 7,000 EFC: $1,050 distribution
- 7,001 to 16,000 EFC: $525 distribution
- 16,001+ EFC: $375 distribution
- No 20-21 FAFSA on file/no EFC: $375
International students enrolled in one or more 2021 fall classes:
- Undergraduates: $1,110 distribution
- Graduates: $990 distribution
No application is necessary to receive this funding. Awards to May graduates and students enrolled in summer school will occur in early July. Fall awards will be made in September (after drop/add).
ARPA funds will not be applied to any student account balances; instead, funds will be paid to students through direct deposit, if the student has signed up for this option through MyÄ¢¹½tv, or by a check that will be mailed to the student’s address of record. Students would like to use these funds to pay university charges can make a payment directly to their student account via EasyPay. Questions regarding payment towards your university charges should be directed to the Student Billing office at student-billing@iup.edu.
$2,257,839 million has been allocated to the Student Assistance Fund to provide monies to students who face financial hardships due to the pandemic. Students applied for these funds via the online Emergency Response Form/Student Assistance Fund application.
For questions or more information about ARPA, please email the Financial Aid office at financial-aid@iup.edu.
*This was incorrectly noted as May 2020.
Previous Quarterly Report Disclosures
HEERF III American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP)
In addition to the federal dollars offered as emergency funds to students who have experienced unexpected educational expenses, the Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) also provided institutions funds to cover any costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction (including interruptions in instruction) due to the coronavirus, for emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus, and to defray costs incurred including lost revenue, reimbursement for expenses already incurred, technology costs associated with a transition to distance education, faculty and staff trainings, payroll, implementing evidence-based practices to monitor and suppress coronavirus in accordance with public health guidelines, and conduct direct outreach to financial aid applicants about the opportunity to receive a financial aid adjustment due to the recent unemployment of a family member or independent student. The following Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report provides information on the amount of HEERF III (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP)), funds expended.