David Lind, WĢtv-TV operations manager, has been appointed to the national Sports Video Group's advisory board for their Sports Video Group University (SVGU) organization. Lind is also WĢtv-TV operations manager and the director for the Center for videoconferencing and executive producer for Ģtv sports broadcasting.

The Sports Video Group (SVG) was formed in 2006 to support the professional community that relies on video, audio and broadband technologies to produce and distribute sports content. Leagues, owners, teams, players, broadcasters, webcasters, and consumer technology providers have joined the SVG to learn from each other, turn vision into reality, and implement innovations while sharing experiences that will lead to advances in the sports-production/distribution process and the overall consumer sports experience. SVG is the producer of the annual Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame.

Lind has been a contributing writer for SVGU's weekly newsletter, and chronicled the WĢtv-TV student sports crew's production experiences of producing ten Ģtv football games. Lind was also a participant on a panel discussion for the organization's College Sports Video's Digital Summit in New York City on November 16, 2008. The topic of the panel was “Low Cost Productions for Web Streaming.”

Panel members included representatives from ESPN, New York Giants, Horizon League, Major League Baseball, and CBS sports. Lind has also been appointed to the College Sports Video University's Summit Advisory Board. The 2009 summit is slated for June in Atlanta. Lind will be a member of a panel discussion and part of two workshops.

Lind has been accepted as a member to the Silver Telly Council. The Telly Awards honor the very best in local, regional and cable television programs and segments, on-line videos, films, and commercials. The Silver Telly Council is a membership-based division of the Telly Awards. Members are top advertising and production professionals who have won a Silver Telly in the past, have applied for membership to the council, and have been accepted. The judging panel for the Telly Awards will be chosen from our Council Members.

Lind—along with members of the college's faculty, staff, and students—has received five Telly Awards over the past six years.

(Content written by Zachary Salopek.)