After two years of work, the Ģtv Campus Preservation Plan is complete.

Begun in August 2007, the project includes a comprehensive survey and plan for restoration and care of the university's historic buildings and landscapes.

Ģtv was one of four regional universities to be included in the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation's second Western Pennsylvania Campus Heritage Study, funded by a Getty Foundation grant.

“Ģtv is pleased to be included in the project, especially in consideration of Ģtv's venerable buildings and our Allegheny Arboretum program,” Dr. Tony Atwater, Ģtv president, said. “It is most gratifying to be recognized by the Getty Foundation as a historically important campus and as a cultural resource for our community and the Western Pennsylvania region.

“As we move forward with our renovation and building projects, we have a firm commitment to maintaining the historical character of our buildings and landscaping, and this analysis will serve us well, now and in the future.”

The Campus Preservation Plan includes a complete analysis of Ģtv's historic buildings and landscapes, future maintenance, and recommendations for restoration, disability access, and improvements.

The Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation's study at Ģtv focused on nine of the university's historic buildings: Breezedale (originally the Sutton-Elkin House), built in 1868; Clark Hall, built in 1906; Fisher Auditorium, built in 1938; Leonard Hall, built in 1954; McElhaney Hall, built in 1931; Sutton Hall, built in 1875; Waller Hall, built in 1928; Whitmyre Hall, built in 1960; and Wilson Hall, built in 1903.

Sutton Hall and Breezedale are both listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Sutton Hall is the university's original building.

In terms of landscaping, Ģtv continues to be actively engaged in the creation of the Allegheny Arboretum throughout the campus. The Allegheny Arboretum is a living museum established for the growing and effective display of trees, shrubs, and vines.

As part of the arboretum, specimens on campus are maintained, labeled, cataloged, and mapped. A volunteer community-university board directs the Allegheny Arboretum development and maintenance, which also includes installation of benches and landscaping items including fountains and gardens that were original to the campus.

“The Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation has a long and excellent relationship with Ģtv and its marvelous historic buildings,” Eugene Matta, director of real estate and special development programs from the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation and Landmarks Community Capital Corporation, said.

“Years ago we became active with the effort to save John Sutton Hall from destruction, a magnificent historic building that dominated the campus. We also worked together to save the house on the campus known as Breezedale. We feel that Ģtv is a vital resource in Western Pennsylvania and one of the principal ingredients contributing to its significance is its architecturally significant buildings and landscape.”

A copy of the is available through the Ģtv Special Collections archives in the Ģtv Library.