Ģtv's State Employee Combined Appeal (SECA) Committee will hold a fund-raising luncheon featuring roasted turkey and stuffing October 27, 2011, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Oak Room, on the ground floor of Foster Dining Hall along Grant Street (across from the Ģtv parking garage).

The luncheon is sponsored by Aramark, with all proceeds benefiting the SECA campaign. The luncheon is open to the community in addition to Ģtv employees and students.

SECA is the annual charitable giving campaign for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania employees. The 2011 SECA campaign began September 19 and runs through November 4.

The menu for the luncheon includes pumpkin soup and chicken noodle soup, mixed green salad, mashed potatoes, green beans, orange and cranberry relish, and apple, pumpkin, cherry, and pecan pie. The cost is $7.50 per person.

A number of prizes will be given during the luncheon, including gift certificates for the Co-op Store and tickets to upcoming performances at the university.

The theme of this year's SECA campaign is “I give because. ...”

Participating in SECA are nearly 1,400 nonprofit agencies with missions serving local, regional, national, and global needs and causes.

Everyone who contributes to SECA will be eligible for gifts including tickets for Fisher Auditorium and Kovalchick Complex performances, Oak Room lunches, basketball season tickets, Co-op Store gift certificates, a yearlong reserved parking spot, and the Oak Grove commemorative box.

Those donating $4 per week, or $208 per year, to the Indiana County United Way will also qualify for incentive prizes: $10,000 toward a vehicle at one of four Indiana dealerships, a deluxe gas grill, and a forty-two-inch LED/HD television.

For more information about SECA or to get a pledge form to make a donation by payroll deduction, go to the SECA website.