Ģtv is now the owner of 3.35 acres of land in White Township adjacent to Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex.

The conveyance of the land from the Pennsylvania Department of General Services to Ģtv became final November 10, 2011.

The land is intended to be the site of a hotel.

The agreement became complete after standards required in the Pennsylvania Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act for the land were met and approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environment Protection Southwest Regional Office.

In September, the Council of Trustees formally approved the land transfer project. The land transfer was made possible by House Bill 2275, signed into law by Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell on November 23, 2010.

“The land acquisition for the Kovalchick Complex hotel is exciting news and a significant milestone in the overall effort to develop the Wayne Avenue corridor,” Senator Don White said.

“There is no question the success of Kovalchick Complex will be further enhanced by the construction of a high-quality hotel, and Ģtv's commitment to the completion of this project in a timely manner is vital. I appreciate the efforts of the state departments of Environmental Protection and General Services, as well as those of all the local partners who have worked together in this endeavor. This project is another major milestone in our efforts to move Indiana County forward.”

David Werner, interim president, expressed his appreciation for the continued efforts of White and Representative Dave Reed and their staffs, along with Ģtv trustee Colleen Kopp, for the success of the 2010 legislation.

A marketing feasibility study for Kovalchick Complex, completed by Brailsford & Dunlavey in 2005, noted that the facility would increase demand for hotel accommodations in the Indiana area.