From a hydration station to a “Free” Zone, some Dining Services changes this fall add to the healthy eating options on campus.
Drink to Your Health!
A new "hydration station" in the lobby of Foster Hall allows students to fill a water bottle for free with chilled or room temperature water.
“We've had a lot of positive feedback,” said Aramark staff member Jennifer Braughler, since it's easier to fill a bottle there than at a water fountain.
Aramark will give free water bottles to students to promote the hydration station.
“Free” Zone
Students with dietary restrictions now have more food choices: Foster Hall offers a new gluten-, nut-, and dairy-free zone. In addition, the zone is self-serve—more convenient than having to request each meal.
Going Healthy at New Eating Spots
Einstein Bros. Bagels: The new Einstein Bros. Bagels at the HUB offers bagel thin eggwhite sandwiches, paninis, chopped salads, soups, smoothies, and vegetarian choices. Many of these options contain less than 350 calories and 15 grams of fat.
Burger Studio: The new Burger Studio at Folger Food Court offers healthy options including turkey, veggie, and grilled chicken breast burgers. Among the more than 30 toppings are guacamole, grilled red peppers, pico de gallo, and other healthy options. Students will use electronic touch-screen kiosks to design their own burger before ordering.
Putt P.O.D.: A new Provisions On Demand store in Putt Hall will be four times larger than Wallwork P.O.D. and offer fresh produce, Meal-on-the-Go options, and Java City beverages.
Healthy Choices Campus Tour
Dietician Michelle Coleman will offer the Healthy Choices campus tour during the second or third week of classes. The one-hour tour explores the healthy options available at each major dining location and offers healthy eating tips for on-campus living.
The tour gives students the chance to “have a conversation about healthy choices,” says Coleman. She'll identify smart dining choices on campus that may help students avoid the freshman 15.
“Students should try to make their plate at Foster look like the My Plate example: half fruit and veggies, half whole grains and lean meat,” she says.
This is the fourth year the Healthy Choices has been offered, and interest is increasing, says Coleman. Students can sign up by contacting her at M.R.Coleman@iup.edu.