Lara M. Luetkehans has been selected as dean of Ģtv's College of Education and Educational Technology. She will begin her work at Ģtv on July 1.

Luetkehans currently serves as chairperson of the department of educational technology, research and assessment at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.

“Dr. Luetkehans brings a great deal of experience to the role at Ģtv, both as a faculty member and in departmental administration,” Timothy Moerland, Ģtv provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, said. “We're very pleased to have her join the Ģtv community in this important position.”

The College of Education and Educational Technology includes the departments of adult and community education, communications media, counseling, developmental studies, educational and school psychology, professional studies in education, special education and clinical services, and student affairs in high education, as well as the Center for Career and Technical Personnel Preparation.

“I'm excited to begin this post,” Luetkehans said. “The diversity of expertise and programming in the College of Education and Educational Technology drew me to Ģtv. I'm looking forward to collaborating with faculty, staff and students to further the work toward achieving the vision of the college.”

Luetkehans earned her doctorate in instructional technology from the University of Georgia in Athens, her master's in library and information science from Dominican University in River Forest, Ill., and her bachelor's degree in philosophy from Loyola University in Chicago.

She has been at Northern Illinois University for 16 years and served as department chairperson for the last five years. Under her leadership, the department launched many innovative programs, and the quality of its online programs achieved national recognition.

Luetkehans has many publications to her credit and has presented at national and international conferences in the areas of technology and teacher education, virtual schooling and online education.

She has been successful in securing a number of competitive grants, totaling close to $1 million, and has worked extensively with university partnerships and professional development schools. She is president-elect of the Teacher Education Division, Association for Educational Communications and Technology.

“Meeting with faculty and staff during my campus visit made it clear that there is a great deal of passion and optimism about Ģtv,” she said. “What a great foundation. I can't wait to get started.”