Two student groups at Ģtv and 10 departments participated in the Indiana County Salvation Army Treasures for Children program.
Ģtv Circle K and the Ģtv Residence Hall Council in Ruddock Hall and the Suites on Maple East coordinated the program on campus, which also included 10 different department hosting trees with “wish lists” from families.
A total of 120 families or individual gift wishes were completed by the student groups and individuals, and a total of $200 was raised for the program.
This is the fifth year that Ģtv has participated in the Treasures for Children program.
PHOTO INFORMATION: from left, Ashlyn Parks, Ģtv Circle K president; Kathleen Lackey and Leah White, career development advocates from the Center for Career and Professional Development-Office of Service Learning; and Adam Rutkowski, Ruddock Hall Residence Hall Council.