Three Ģtv students receive study abroad scholarshipsThree Ģtv students have been selected for national, competitive academic study abroad scholarships.

Ryan Caldwell, a dual Spanish and Spanish education major from Greensburg; Joseph Gallo, an Asian Studies major from East Stroudsburg; and Alexandra Roach, a Spanish major and Latin American Studies minor from Aliquippa, all received international Benjamin A. Gilman Study Abroad scholarships.

In addition, Gallo received a Freeman-Asia international study abroad grant.

“The Gilman and the Freeman-Asia scholarships are two of the most prestigious study abroad scholarships for American students, and we are extremely proud of our Ģtv recipients,” said Michele Petrucci, associate vice president of International Education and Global Engagement and executive director of the Ģtv American Language Institute.

“Both of these scholarships are very competitive and require an extensive application,” Petrucci said. “For Ģtv to have not just one, but three, recipients, reflects the quality of our students and their commitment to this rigorous process.”

Scholarship recipients also are required to do a post-experience service project.

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants to students throughout the United States. Caldwell, Gallo and Roach are the 14th students from Ģtv since 2006 to be chosen for a Gilman scholarship through the competitive selection process.

Gallo's selection as a Freeman-Asia scholarship recipient brings Ģtv's total of these scholarship winners to 13.

Caldwell and Roach will be studying at the University of Valladolid, Spain for the spring semester. Gallo will be studying at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies in Japan for the spring semester.

Only 1,000 students are selected from across the nation for the Gilman Scholarship. Gilman Scholars receive up to $5,000 to apply towards their study abroad or internship program costs with additional funding available for the study of a critical language overseas.

The Gilman Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE).

The Freeman-Asia Scholarship is funded by the Freeman Foundation through the Institute of International Education. Recipients are expected to share their experiences with their home campuses to encourage study abroad in Asia by others, and to spread greater understanding of Asian peoples and cultures within their home communities.

Caldwell, son of Rebecca Caldwell and Scott Caldwell, is a 2015 graduate of Greensburg-Salem High School. He maintains a perfect 4.0 grade point average at Ģtv and is a Spanish education representative.

He received the Sutton Scholarship and is a member of Sigma Delta Pi National Spanish Honor Society, Ándale Spanish Club, Latino Student Organization, Ritmo Latin Dance Crew, Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, secretary of Kappa Delta Pi International Education Honor Society and volunteers as a Spanish tutor.

Gallo, son of Felicia Gallo, is an Asian studies major at Ģtv. He is a dean's list student and member of JAPASO Student Club.

Roach, daughter of Harold Roach and Raeola Roach, is a 2014 graduate of South Side Beaver High School and recipient of the Jessica Aaron Scholarship.