As promised in messaging sent to you last night, I am providing an update of what you should do as an Ģtv employee.

First, please hear my thanks. I hope that you have been able to take time to watch my video message posted this morning and shared in Ģtv Daily, because I want you to know that I sincerely appreciate your work and how you continue to demonstrate your concern and care for our students and for each other. Thank you. These are very trying and uncertain times for us all, but I believe in you, and I am certain that Ģtv will successfully weather this storm.

For the foreseeable future, unless we are told otherwise, this university is open. We will continue work as scheduled while following directives from national health agencies and Chancellor Greenstein. I do not have any information about Ģtv “closing.”

This means that for at least the next 48 hours, you should report to work as you have been directed to do by your supervisor.

Employees directly supporting students living in on-campus housing, including those assisting with planned student move-out activities, should plan to continue that work, unless otherwise instructed by your supervisor. Move-out operations and dining operations for students remaining on campus will continue as scheduled. If you have been authorized to work remotely by your supervisor, you should continue to do so.

Many offices are actively transitioning to remote operations to reduce the number of people on campus. Thank you for the innovation and flexibility that you have shown during this transition. Not only will remote operations help us to follow directives about social distancing to actively minimize the risk of transmission of the virus, it will reduce the strain on the staff who are asked to continue their work in campus facilities. We continue to discuss ways to provide additional relief to all of you on the front lines whose work requires you to be on campus.

Faculty who are working to move face-to-face coursework to an on-line format should continue that work, with the intention of beginning those classes on March 23, as previously announced. On-line classes are to continue as scheduled.

We have received guidance from the Office of the Chancellor about refunds, payment of students in work-study positions, and counseling. Pro-rated refunds will be given for services that we can no longer provide (housing, dining and other fees still being determined), but because courses are continuing, tuition and other academic and student services fees will not be refunded. Refunds will be processed during the week of April 6. Students in work study positions can continue to be paid, even if work is not being performed. Counseling services can be provided in state via telephone and other telecommunications applications.

Vice President Tom Segar will send a message this afternoon to students with information about refunds, federal work study payments, and counseling.

He will also stress the importance of students focusing on their classes, and remind them that we are here for them. Questions they have can be addressed to

Nothing is normal right now. But within this time of anxiety and frustration, I am focusing on the positive, that people are working together to help each other and to help our students, including the . Thank you for your support of this initiative. Please reach out to students who you think might be in need to let them know that this help is available.

Thank you, again, for all that you do. You are stepping up in incredible ways. I have never been more proud to be a member of the Ģtv family.

Michael A. Driscoll
