Ä¢¹½tv's Musical Theatre track in the Bachelor of Arts Theatre program will continue and will be open for enrollment by new and continuing students for and beyond the 2021–22 academic year. This change is the result of ongoing discussions related to Ä¢¹½tv's NextGen academic restructuring plans as well as shifts in faculty retrenchments.

The minor in dance program also will continue and will be available for selection by new and continuing students for fall 2021 and beyond.

Information announced in October about Ä¢¹½tv NextGen included plans for the musical theatre track to be closed as of fall 2021.

Any student in a program that is still slated for closure—at this time, interdisciplinary fine arts-dance arts, master of fine arts in art, master of art-art education, and master's in art studio—will be given the opportunity to complete their studies in the program that they have started. Ä¢¹½tv will work with these students on a case-by-case basis so that they can meet their academic goals in a timely fashion. The closures in these programs will affect 18 currently enrolled students.

As noted in communications in October, discussions are ongoing related to the Ä¢¹½tv NextGen process. As new decisions are made or modified, including withdrawal of notices of possible retrenchment, information will be shared on the Academic Restructuring Plans webpage.

As of December 11, due to a variety of factors, including voluntary retirements, a total of 18 notices of retrenchment sent on October 30 to tenured faculty have been withdrawn by Ä¢¹½tv President Michael Driscoll.

Changes related to academic restructuring would take effect in fall 2021.