Ä¢¹½tv is ranked in the top 27 colleges and universities in the commonwealth, and four Ä¢¹½tv programs are ranked as top program in the nation by Intelligent.com.

Ä¢¹½tv programs ranked in this listing include:

  • The Master of Arts in Education, Training, and Instructional Technology is ranked seventh out of 361 programs, named as having the “Best Community Education Focus.”
  • The Master of Arts in Criminology is ranked 13th out of 142 and noted as “Best in the Mid-Atlantic Region” among master's degrees in criminology, as well as 43rd out of 365 programs and cited for its “Best Early Admission” process in the Masters Degrees in Criminal Justice category.
  • The Online Master of Science in Food and Nutrition program is ranked 35th out of 283 programs, recognized as providing “Best Certificate Options.”
  • The Physical Education and Sport program is ranked 41st out of 309 programs, praised as offering “Best Minors.”

This listing was determined by editors through an overall assessment of 2,277 accredited colleges and universities.

In its recognition as a “best college in Pennsylvania,” Ä¢¹½tv was named as “Best for Education Programs.”

Ä¢¹½tv is consistently ranked as one of the nation's top doctoral universities by U.S. News & World Report. It has been included in the Princeton Review's Best Colleges guidebook for 18 years and has been included in Washington Monthly magazine's national rankings of schools based on their contributions to society. Individual programs and departments continue to gain accolades in national surveys, including in the top three Safety, Health, and Environmental Applied Sciences programs in the nation by Universities.com; and the Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management program, recently ranked ninth in the nation by Study.com, among others.
Ä¢¹½tv also has been selected for national rankings that recognize value in online programs.

U.S. News & World Report recognized three Ä¢¹½tv programs—the master's program in criminal justice, master's program in mathematics education, and the master's program in nursing—for its “Best Online Programs” for 2021. EduRef.net, a nationally recognized provider of college planning resources, named Ä¢¹½tv to its “10 Most Affordable Accredited Online Colleges” ranking for 2020.

Ä¢¹½tv offers more than 140 undergraduate majors and more than 60 graduate programs, including 14 doctoral programs. In addition, students can complete more than 65 minors and scores of specialized tracks and certificate programs, including certificates in athletic coaching, gerontology, photography and digital imaging, popular music, and public history.