Bryan BrougherBryan Brougher is a certified safety professional who earned his BS in Safety Sciences from Ä¢¹½tv in 1988. Brougher has been a full-time faculty member with the Safety Sciences and Environmental Engineering Department at Ä¢¹½tv since 1999 and joined the PA/OSHA Consultation Program in the same year. At Ä¢¹½tv, Brougher serves as an industrial hygiene consultant for the PA/OSHA Consultation Program.

Before coming to Ä¢¹½tv, Brougher served as an environmental health and safety professional on the management team and as a consultant for various organizations, including consulting firms, insurance agencies, research and development facilities, petrochemical storage facilities, military facilities, steel and iron foundries, and other manufacturing facilities. During this time, Brougher has performed a variety of consultative visits in state, county, municipal, federal, and private facilities throughout the United States, providing cost-effective, timely resolution of OSHA citations, workers compensation losses, and other program management deficiencies.

In addition, Brougher has served as adjunct instructor at state universities and community colleges. His CSP designation also qualifies him as a certified accident and illness consultant through the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. He has been an approved instructor in certifying students in the OSHA 501 and 511 General Industry and other OSHA Training Institute (OTI) classes. Brougher has also been a member of the American Society of Safety Engineers, American Industrial Hygiene Association, National Fire Protection Association, and the local organizational safety committee representative.