2.1 Status of Personnel
- Faculty
- Instructional personnel (full- and part-time) teaching credited courses. All students are excluded from this group.
- Retired faculty or emeritus status
- Teaching associates
- Staff
- Management and administration: All personnel who are designated as state university managers (SUM), state university administrators (SUA), civil service managers, faculty managers, APSCUF Unit II, or administrator by the president and/or SSHE classification, exclusive of membership in any bargaining unit, shall be issued a staff parking permit.
- All noninstructional personnel.
- Persons contracted by the university to provide a service, individually or through an organization, exclusive of membership in any bargaining unit recognized by Ä¢¹½tv.
- Service personnel: Full-time personnel employed by Food Service, Operation Uplift, Campus Ministry, Day Care Center, DGS, Co-op, or any permanent or temporary personnel attached to Ä¢¹½tv.
- Retired staff.
- Continuing Education instructional personnel teaching noncredit courses and hired through Continuing Education will receive a temporary staff permit for the time period of their classes.
- Visitor: Any person who is not faculty, staff, or a student, service personnel, or a contractor of the university as defined above.
- Commuter Student: Students commuting to class and living outside the boundary set by the Parking Authority Review Board.
- Graduate Commuter Student: Graduate student living off campus and commuting to class.
- Graduate Resident Student: Graduate student living in university-owned residence halls.
- Resident Student: Student living in university-owned residence halls.
- Temporary Resident Student: Resident student needing a vehicle for academic or medical reasons. This permit needs to be approved by the Parking Authority Review Board.
- Long Term Robertshaw: Students living in university-owned residence halls storing their vehicles for long-term parking.
2.2 Reserved Space
Any space which has been designated for the exclusive use of an individual.
2.3 Designated Parking Areas
Any lot or street that has been designated during posted hours for the exclusive use by Ä¢¹½tv faculty, staff, students, long-term, or incubator permit holders
2.4 Vehicle
Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway (i.e., cars, trucks, SUV, motorbikes, moped, bicycles).
2.5 Boot
A wheel locking device used for in-place impoundment of vehicles.
2.6 Pay-By-License (PBL)
These pay spaces are marked by yellow painted lines, and are designated with the word PAY on each space. Parking signs at the entrances of parking lots, street parking, or at pay areas display a sign with a picture of a Pay station to advertise for the pay area.
Paid parking areas are on a first-come, first-serve basis for anyone to use. The PBL (Pay-by-License) machines must be paid in advance for the time you are in the space, whether or not you have an Ä¢¹½tv parking permit. These are enforced hourly Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., during each academic session from the first day of registration through the last day of finals, excluding breaks.
2.7 Disabled Parking
Parking shall be reserved 24 hours daily for vehicles with a disabled registration plate, disabled veteran's registration plate, disabled placard, or temporary disabled permit. An Ä¢¹½tv parking permit will not be required for vehicles displaying a disabled plate, DV plate, or disabled placard from PennDOT. If a temporary permit is required, a 14-day limit will be imposed. Extensions will be granted if the disabled permit has been applied for through the state and has not been received. Other types of extension requests will be addressed on a case by case basis. A doctor's letter is required to obtain a temporary disabled permit. If the disabled parking spaces in the desired parking lot are occupied, or a closer space is desired, a vehicle with disabled plate or placard may be parked in any nonreserved parking space.
2.8 Parking Permit
The permit shall be a hanger-type transferable tag or a sticker required to park in white lined spaces in lots controlled by Ä¢¹½tv. One permit must be hung down from the inside rear-view mirror and be clearly visible from the front of the vehicle when the vehicle is parked in a university-controlled area. Parking permits are not required for parking in Pay-By-Space areas.
2.9 Reserved Free Spaces
Space reserved for university employees required to live on campus and for university vehicles
2.10 Temporary Parking Permit
A temporary tag is issued to a specific vehicle for a designated area and time. This permit must be placed on the vehicle's driver's-side dash when the vehicle is parked. This permit is not good for parking in pay-by-space areas or reserved spaces.
2.11 Busing
The university provides a Park-N-Ride shuttle service. Two buses operate on campus, and they originate at the Robertshaw parking lot. Each bus makes a complete round every 15 minutes. Bus schedules are available at . I-Cards ARE required to ride the bus.
An additional busing service, Campus Loop, is provided by Indiana County Transit Authority. Schedules for all Indiana County Transit routes can be found at . An I-Card will permit unlimited ridership on any Indiana County Transit bus route.