University policies, Indiana Borough ordinances, and state and federal laws regarding the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages or drugs are vigorously enforced.
Briefly stated, student use, sale, or possession of alcohol and illegal drugs are prohibited on campus.
Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited in all university-owned residential buildings except for the Upper Division Community, where residents of legal age are allowed to have alcohol in the privacy of their suites. No alcohol is permitted in public areas, including hallways. The Student Affairs Division and the Health Service are available to provide more information about drug and alcohol policies.
Students caught drinking under the age of 21 will be cited, which will result in a fine, loss of a drivers license for 90 days, and attendance at an educational class at Ä¢¹½tv and in the community. Citations can have an especially negative impact on the lives of students in certain majors, such as education.
Reduce the Risk of Alcohol-Related Problems
If you are 21 years old and choose to drink, protect yourself:
- Never drink on an empty stomach. Eat high-protein foods. It helps slow the absorption of alcohol.
- Avoid playing drinking games, chugging, or doing beer bongs. It takes a while for the effects to hit, and you may appear to be fine one minute and totally drunk the next.
- Limit the amount you drink in an hour. It takes the body over an hour to metabolize each drink.
- If someone drinks to the point of passing out, it means that they have had way too much and are in danger.
- Never leave someone to “sleep it off.” The person may need medical attention. Call 911 immediately.
Bystander - Good Samaritan Policy
Under ACT 66, a person under the age of twenty-one will be protected from prosecution for the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages if law enforcement, including campus police, became aware of the possession or consumption solely because the individual was seeking medical assistance for someone else. The person seeking the assistance must reasonably believe he or she is the first to do so, must use his or her real name with authorities, and must stay with the individual needing medical assistance.