Communications and Marketing Office

As of January 1995, the design and layout of off-campus materials are now the responsibility of the Office of Communications and Marketing, which will coordinate all aspects of the material distributed beyond Ä¢¹½tv. This was done in order to create a single identity to these audiences. Call 724-357-3062 for an appointment.

Contracting Out

An agreement between the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) provides guidelines for contracting work to non-university printers. Currently all printing must first be offered to the University Printing Center. If it is determined that the department cannot perform the work, a signed release form from the department must first be obtained. The person requesting the project must submit a Departmental Purchase Request (DPR) online and forward the release form to the Purchasing Department in order for the work to be completed off campus. Work submitted for printing to an off-campus vendor will not be paid unless a print release is obtained. Materials for off-campus distribution must also first clear theCommunications and Marketing Officeto meet identity standards

Graphic Standards Manual

The graphic standards program was established in 1986 to create a clear and visual identity. The program applies whenever the university is identified within a visual format, such as on university publications, stationery, signs, and vehicle labels. Elements of the identity and applications of the identity are addressed in the Graphic Standards manual.

Graphic Standards Handbook

The Graphic Standards Handbook was established in 1995 to create a clear and visual identity relating to recruitment publications mailed to off-campus audiences. The Communications and Marketing Office coordinates all aspects involving the presentation of recruitment information.

Postal Regulations

The U.S. Post Office enacted postal rate increases for all mail classes and identified penalties associated with regulatory requirements effective June 30, 2002. Changes affect mail indicia, publication content, endorsements, format, material, weight, ink color, and size, to mention just a few.

Postal Procedure

The procedure to follow for printing a publication is to first contact the Communications and Marketing Office regarding format and editing, second to contact the Printing Center for material specifications, and third to contact the University Post Office for content specifications.


Work orders are processed in the the order in which they are received by the clients. Items that may cause delays in processing an order could be as simple as an incomplete work order or the unavailability of a certain stock. Please contact the Printing Center with all your questions prior to submitting your work order to insure all the materials are available to promptly complete your project. Lack of time and communication are the most frequent problems encountered. Even the simplest publication can take time and complicated projects require more man hours. We realize time is a scarce commodity for all parties, but we always appreciate as much advance warning as possible in order to help see a project through to completion.


A copyright is a statutory right to prevent others from copying or adapting an original work of authorship which is fixed in any tangible medium or expression and which can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. The university regards the unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials as an extremely serious violation of university policy. Violation may result in appropriate sanctions from not only the university, but may also result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.