ALS Handbook

Below, you will find the ALS manuals and course of study timelines for our current cohorts.

The ALS handbook is an overview of the program and includes important information about admission, program objectives, program highlights and procedures, and candidacy/dissertation information.

Student Publications and Presentations

Congratulations to the following students who have published or made presentations at professional conferences:

Domitrovich, J. L. (2020). Creating a Mentoring Program: Using Gamification to Increase Students' Career Readiness and Graduation Outcomes. NACE Journal, February 2020, 21-25. Retrieved from

Kovalcik, B.C. (2019). Developing employability skill articulation in college students: A framework and practitioner approaches for co-curricular educators. The Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship, 1(2), 26-31.

Shupp, S. (2019). Revising your way to justice: Code revision as a tool for equality. ASCA Reflections Educational Magazine, 2(2), 22-25.

Yoder, H.E. (2019). When the compassionate are abusive: Workplace bullying in student affairs. About Campus, 24(4), 10-14.

Suzanne Mateer, Cohort 18, Sibert, S. M., Mateer, S., & Miller, E. (2019). Cultivating a climate of creativity and connectiveness doesn't just happen.The Pennsylvania Administrator,23(3), 27-28,31.

April Belback, "Impacts on Retention: Advising Students Foreclosed to Academic Major Decisions" at the 26th Annual National Conference on Students in Transition in Orlando, FL between October 12-14, 2019.

Li Teng, Cohort 18, co-presented "An Enhanced Approach to Living and Learning Together at Ä¢¹½tv: Living-Learning Community Certificate Programs" at the 2019 Residential Learning Communities as a High-Impact Practice Conference at Elon University, North Carolina, June 16-19, 2019.

Rebecca Wehler, Cohort 18, presented "Strategies for Extending Healthy Living Beyond the School Bell" at the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) Conference on March 23, 2018 in Nashville, TN.

Jessica Cammarata, Cohort 16, presented "Humanities Integration: An Important Pedagogical Tool For Health Professional Education" at the Teaching Professor Conference in June 2018 in Atlanta, GA.

Jason Lohr, Cohort 17, presented "Leveraging Digital Tools to Create a Collaborative Learning Environment" at the Model Schools Conference in June 2018 in Orlando, FL.

Veta Talton, Cohort 18, presented "Reimagining Leadership: A Transformative Curricular Approach" at the Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, from October 3-7, 2018.

John Gradel, Cohort 18, presented "International Students' Integration into the Local Community" at the Universidad de Cienfuegos Cuba TIES IV Graduate Forum, Cienfuegos, Cuba, October 22-26, 2018.

Denita Kelly, Cohort 18, presented "From Foster Care to College Graduate" at the Universidad de Cienfuegos Cuba TIES IV Graduate Forum, Cienfuegos, Cuba, October 22-26, 2018.

Christina Koran, Cohort 18, presented "Exploring the Use of Big Data in Higher Education at Private Rural Institutions" at the Universidad de Cienfuegos Cuba TIES IV Graduate Forum, Cienfuegos, Cuba, October 22-26, 2018.

Milagros Roman-Buday, Cohort 18, presented "Factors That Help Latinos Progress and Succeed in Higher Education Senior Leadership Positions" at the Universidad de Cienfuegos Cuba TIES IV Graduate Forum, Cienfuegos, Cuba, October 22-26, 2018.

Veta Talton, Cohort 18, presented "Culturally Responsive Mentorship: A Communal Praxis for International and Diverse Graduate Students" at the Universidad de Cienfuegos Cuba TIES IV Graduate Forum, Cienfuegos, Cuba, October 22-26, 2018.

Chartice Wyatt, Cohort 18, presented "Effects of Major Selection on Major Selection in African American College Students" at the Universidad de Cienfuegos Cuba TIES IV Graduate Forum, Cienfuegos, Cuba, October 22-26, 2018.

Cohorts and Contact Information

In this section, you will find information about our cohorts, including contact information and information about members who have received the golden eagle pin which denotes membership in the Golden Eagle Club.

Golden Eagle Club

Symbolizing leadership, quality, and excellence, the American bald eagle is a high-flying bird that soars above all others. Native Americans believed that the bald eagle was a wellspring of sacred power and healing. Above all, the bald eagle's vision is unsurpassed by any other bird of prey.

Dissertation Information

In this section of the site, you will find information and full articles from our students' abstracts, IRB and internship samples, and dissertation information.