Students who are mindful in their online sharing and searching enhance their privacy, income, social opportunities, and employment prospects. The faculty, staff, and students listed below engaged students in a panel presentation titledDigital Citizenship: What Successful Students Knowon October 27, 2020. This session included information about how to engage actively online and protect yourself against phishing, smishing, vishing, and other scams.
- Veronica Paz, Accounting
- Jennifer McCroskey, Haven Project
- Amanda Marshall, IT Support Center
- Jan Shellenbarger, Career and ProfessionalDevelopment
- Melissa Calderon, Doctoral Student, ProfessionalStudies in Education
- Crystal Machado, Professional Studies inEducation
- Theresa McDevitt, Ä¢¹½tv Libraries
If you were unable to attend the Live Zoom session on October 27, 2020 please view the recording to learn more about this important topic: