A curriculum vitae (or "CV") is an academic résumé. The following headings can be used as needed.

Campus Address:

Educational Background
Example: BA in Psychology, Indiana University of PA, Indiana, PA (anticipated 2004).

Professional Experience: Teaching
Example: Tutor, Elementary Statistics, Indiana University of PA, Indiana, PA. September–December 2003.

Professional Experience: Research
Example: Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Indiana University of PA, Indiana, PA (October 2001–present). Project: Psychology Students in Modern Times. Funded by: National Science Foundation. Principal Investigator: Joe Blow, PhD Responsibilities include: Research design, statistical analysis, raw data scoring, and survey modification for future survey development.

Professional Experience: Clinical
Example: Intern, Indiana Community Mental Health, Indiana, PA (September 2003–December 2003). Supervisor: Karen Cool, PhD
Responsibilities include: counsel children, intervention program leader for mentally challenged children.

Professional Experience: Psychology Education Programs
Example: Navigating the Graduate School Application Rapids, Indiana University of PA, Indiana, PA (May 2003). Part of Psi Chi Peer Colloquium Series.

Scholarly Publications
Example: Cool, M.E., & Smith, J. L. (2002). Coping Mechanisms as Adaptive Strategies in Preparing for Graduate School. (Abstract) Annuals of Behavioral Medicine, 19, S122.

Professional Presentations
Example: Cool, M.E., & Smith, J. L. (2002, November). Assessment of Pain during Application to Graduate Programs. Poster session presented at the AmericanPain Society, San Diego, CA.

Example: Indiana University of PA Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Foundation Research Grant: support for research materials, data collection, and analysis. Fall 2002, $1500. Responsibilities: Principal Investigator.

Editorial Activity
Example: Co-editor with M. E. Kool, Health Psychology, 2003. Editor: J. Doe.

Membership in Professional Associations
Example: American Psychological Association (APA) - student affiliate

Professional References
Joe Kool, PhD
1100 Uhler Hall
1020 Oakland Avenue
Indiana, PA 15705
Telephone: (724) 555-5555
Email: JoeKool@iup.edu