Midterm Grade Policy

Students are advised to be in contact with instructors throughout the semester to remain current on their course progress. To help students monitor their academic performance, instructors will post midterm grades for all undergraduate students. Each semester, the registrar will establish and announce the dates for instructors to enter midterm grades in and for students and advisors to access them.

The midterm grade is an advisory grade and is not a permanent part of a student's academic history. It is not used to determine enrollment status, dismissal, or eligibility for financial aid, housing, or athletics.

Procedure for Entering Midterm Grades

Faculty members are able to enter midterm grades (A, B, C, D, F, or N) for undergraduate students on class rosters in which he/she is the primary instructor the week following the first half of academic semester. Exact dates in which the midterm grades may be entered can be found on the Academic Calendar.

Midterm grades may not be entered after the deadline has passed. Students will be able to view their midterm grades once the faculty deadline to enter the grades has passed. Please consult the online academic calendar for each semester when preparing your course syllabus for future semesters.

Midterm Grade Entry Instructions

  • In the MyÄ¢¹½tv portal:
    • Sign in to and go to Discover.
    • Search for grades.
    • Click on the Enter grades link.
  • Select Midterm Grades.
  • You may use the toggle directional arrows to sort by terms. Click on the appropriate course.
    • Note: Up to 25 students will be displayed on each screen of the grade worksheet. If you have more than 25 students in your class, you can view the remaining students using the drop down menu in the lower right of the screen.
  • In the Midterm Grade column, click on the drop-down arrow beside the student's name. Select and click on the appropriate midterm grade (A, B, C, D, F, or N). A Last Attend Date must be filled out if an "N" is issued.
  • Scroll down and click on the Save button frequently, as there is a 30-minute time limit feature on the grade submission screen. The user will be logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity.
  • It is advised that you sign into again prior to the midterm grade entry deadline to check that the midterm grades you submitted actually appear on the class list.

If you have problems submitting midterm grades, please contact the Registrar's Office at 724-357-2217.