Ģtv provides two options for students who are currently enrolled, but called to active military duty before the end of the semester:

Option 1

The student may choose to do a total semester withdrawal from all classes and, under a Pennsylvania State System policy, receive a full refund for tuition and fees; any university room and dining hall contract fees would be refunded on a prorated basis for the actual services the student has received up to the date of the withdrawal. This option requires that the student withdraw from every course and receive no grade for any course taken that semester.

To process this total semester withdrawal, undergraduate students must contact the Department of Disability Access and Advising, 216 Pratt Hall, 724-357-4067 (e-mail disability-access@iup.edu) to complete the necessary paperwork to assign the course withdrawal designations and to start the process for refunds; graduate students must notify the School of Graduate Studies and Research, 101 Stright Hall, 724-357-2222.

Any student who has elected to use this option shall be granted readmission for the next semester in which the student wishes to return to Ģtv. The student's academic standing at the time of readmission shall remain as it was before the call to active military duty.

For federal student aid recipients, the return of Title IV student aid will be applicable.

Option 2

If a substantial part of the semester (typically two-thirds to three-quarters of the semester) has been completed by the time the student is called for active military duty, the student may meet with each instructor to determine an appropriate grade. Since assignment of grades is the responsibility of the instructor, he/she may assign whatever grade is appropriate. If the appropriate grade is an “incomplete,” Ģtv will extend the deadline by which the incomplete must be removed to 180 days from the time the student returns from active duty. Any university room and dining hall contract fees would be refunded on a prorated basis for the actual services the student has received up to the date of leaving the university for active duty.

Undergraduate students must contact the Department of Disability Access and Advising to complete the necessary paperwork to start the process for refunds; graduate students must notify the School of Graduate Studies and Research.

Any student who has elected to use Option 2 who wishes to return to Ģtv must contact the Registrar's Office to have his/her status reactivated.

Questions may be addressed to the Office of the Registrar, 300 Clark Hall, 724-357-2217.